As a Kennedy alumni, this is something important and worth a read. - TopicsExpress


As a Kennedy alumni, this is something important and worth a read. Patrick Brown With you all the way just as you were during my runs and every single activity in high school. Its time to come clean. Id like to tell you all in the Kennedy Family why I REALLY no longer work at Kennedy. I ASK THAT YOU SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY. Many of you out there remember me as a person who did anything and everything at Kennedy. Whether as a classroom sub, a Substitute Dean, announcing football and baseball games, working security or cleaning bathrooms, serving lunches during a lockdown, coaching drama students for the play, leading runners through 3 marathons, acting in student films, or organizing your Proms and Senior events, odds are that students, teachers, and parents knew who Mr. Brown was. I worked long hours and even though, as a sub, I stopped getting paid when the kids went home. I put a tremendous amount into that school. When Suzanne Blake arrived, something changed at Kennedy. Over the first 6 months of their presence there, when I saw the self-serving job that Suzanne Blake and Yela Dirlam were putting in at the expense of everything that was right with that school, I became fed up. I was going to leave Kennedy and not teach there any more. I sent a private message to a handful of co-workers from Kennedy explaining that I wouldnt be back after the 2012 school year and I criticized the job that was being done by the Administration. Later, I even spoke up for the students that were fearful of the overcrowded buses Blake and Dirlam packed them on for Grad nite. Blake was given the email by someone I had trusted and what did she do? She not only had me fired from the District completely, but tried to go after my credential at the state level to make sure I could never teach again. The context of my criticism was never offensive and was protected free speech, but since I was just a sub, I could be fired at any time for little to no reason. But I fought for and kept my credential because the State Dept of Credentialing felt I should have had no action taken against me for the email I wrote. And even though I had 3 lawyers tell me I had a case for wrongful termination, no one would represent me because I wouldnt make them enough money. So I lost. I lost a job I cared about because I spoke my mind. I cant ever go back to LAUSD and certainly not to Kennedy. But its time that SHE loses. Im tired of the lies, deceit, and the dictatorial way in which that school is run. The email she sent to parents/faculty/and students tonight about the current situation with Homecoming says that it was canceled for ticket sales. By why cancel the parade if its about ticket sales? Why cancel the dance altogether instead of moving it to a cheaper place, like the gym? There is more to the story that she is hiding from you all and its time you ask questions. And not just about this. Ask about Grad Nite last year and the PTSA and what happened to the funds from that night. Ask about hiring former employees from her middle schools without interviews. Ask questions... This Homecoming cancelation is another example as to how she has minimized the activities that are important to students and help create a positive morale and sense of pride about Kennedy. Ask any student/faculty member about how they feel about Kennedy currently and I guarantee you that it is negative. No one on the faculty is able to stand up to her because she targets people for removal, they are flat out scared of her, and the staff morale is as low as I have ever seen it at any school Ive ever been a part of. Most of them cant even click like on this status for fear of retribution. She hires people at the school without the interview process that provides the staff the opportunity to maintain a certain culture of their school. Well sadly, Blake has made sure that they realize that it is no longer their is HER SCHOOL. The majority of the Kennedy family just doesnt know so much about what this Principal has done that has ruined and jeopardized peoples livelihood, and the efforts that have been made to remove events and activities from the school agenda because they would rather govern the school like the Middle Schools that they came from. She does not deserve to stay at Kennedy and she will be removed ONLY IF the parents, students, and alumni make enough noise to her bosses and to the press. Its time that Suzanne Blake go. I URGE YOU or your Parents contact the Interim Local District 1 Superintendent, Byron Maltez, and voice your complaints. Contact LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy. Call our local School Board Member, Tamar Galatzan AND TELL HER YOU OR YOUR PARENTS WILL NOT VOTE FOR HER IF SOMETHING IS NOT DONE. Contact Channel 4 news as they are aware of this and are investigating. THEY WANT TO HEAR FROM PARENTS AND STUDENTS. This a chance to make an impact on the school and community you care about. Call them and tell them that you want a new Principal at Kennedy High School. None of this will get me my job back, so I have no interest in this other than to see Kennedy stop suffering at the hands of the poor leadership it is under. I care about Kennedy. I always did. That was why I did everything I could to create the best memories for you all while you were there. Interim Superintendent Byron Maltez: (818) 654-3600 Superintendent John Deasy: Tel: 213-241-7000 Board of Education Representative: Ms. Tamar Galatzan District 3 (213) 241-6386 (she spoke at most of you alumnis graduation) Channel 4 News Desk: 818-840-3425
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 15:58:40 +0000

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