As a football coach, when approaching a big game like this Region - TopicsExpress


As a football coach, when approaching a big game like this Region Championship game we have tonight with Hazard, we look for any way to gain an edge and motivate those we lead into the proper frame of mind to play well. I was looking for some inspirational quotes from famous coaches and players for our kids to see when I came across this one from the Hall of Fame coach Vince Lombardi : The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have. I really liked this and posted it to our Jacket Football group for the kids to see. After I did I sat thinking long and hard about what Vince said. You see, we are a small 1A school…if we have 30 kids out for football, that is a really big number for us. We only have 230 kids in our entire High School. Every School we play is bigger than us, and most times they have more players, faster players, stronger players…but our kids win, not because of talent or numbers, but because they maximize the ability they have, never lay down, and fight their guts out. They do so much with what they have! Stop for a moment and examine the life you and I lead. How are we going to be measured? What do we do daily with what we have? Are we selfish and live only for ourselves..only for personal achievement or personal gain? Do we do things only that we know will curry the favor of men so we will be popular? Are we vain in our appearance with the desire of getting second and third glances form those we pass by? Do we stop and lend a helping hand to those we see in need, or do we just pass them by because they dont look like we do, or smell as nice as we would like? Do we disparage a brother because his political views differ from ours, or his belief system is not as orthodox as ours? If a person leads a lifestyle that we feel is different or unacceptable, or our orientation is different than theirs do we mock and behind their backs reject them? Are we like the Pharisees and feel we are superior to others whose sin is different from ours and they dont adhere to the same religious rules we do? Galatians 6:7-9 is a great reminder :Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Brother and sister…our lives are on display each and every day. Those of us who bear the mantle of Christ are under a microscope by this world, and the world waits to pounce on our mistakes or thoughtless words and deeds, to defeat and disregard our testimony. We have been given much, those of us who have received the forgiveness and grace of Jesus Christ. We have received the greatest gift ever known to man…Salvation! Now what will we do with this gift? How will we sow? What is the harvest we will reap? I pray in my life, I sow kindness..that I sow forgiveness..that I sow love, the love I have been given…that loves in spite of, not because of…and the only harvest I want to reap is the smile on my Saviors face and to hear Him say Well done My good and faithful servant. The favor of men is fleeting, it lasts but a moment and is mercurial in how it changes. The things I adorn myself with go quickly out of style. Politics and policies change with the wind…the only thing that lasts is the legacy our lives lead, the harvest that our lives reap…I have been given so much, how will I be measured? Lord Jesus, Im as nervous as a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs today. I know in the scheme of all eternity, this ballgame between Williamsburg High School and Hazard really doesnt matter a whole lot, but Father here on earth it is huge to us. I pray our kids play with exuberance and passion tonight. I ask not for victory, but that our players and coaching staff gives everything of the talents You have gifted us with. Lord let our harvest as the game ends tonight be the satisfaction in knowing, no matter the outcome, that we have given our very best. I pray for safety for Hazard as they travel, and that you protect both teams form injury and harm. Father thank you for the reminder today that we reap in life what we sow. I pray I sow to honor the name of Jesus every day. I pray I sow Jesus in my every word and deed today. Protect my thoughts from the Tempter today. Protect my tongue that is is truthful and does no harm to others. Lord it was so good to hear that Dana Gilreath Hales scan went so well. As she begins her treatments Jesus, I pray that You grant her strength and endurance. Lord be with her family as well as they travel this path before them. Lord I pray for the health of my sweet friend Robin Blizzard. Grant healing Jesus I pray. Jesus I have such a burden for Janet Leigh Fords son Matt. Lord we have claimed victory over his cancer and that you bind that disease in his life, I ask again You make this so. Lord I continue to lift Elaine Doss brother Byron to You. Jesus I also continue to pray for the ministries of dear friends. Holy Spirit I pray You empower Roy Paul Hodge, Becky Brooks Lloyd, Jimmy Mac McNamara, William Hild, David Higginbotham, Rick McKinney, and John Stuart. I pray they are instruments of light, that the words they speak lead lost souls to You. Bless them as they serve I pray Jesus. Cover their families with Your grace and protection and add Your abundance to their lives. Please be with my love Robin McKinney Root as she travels back home today. Thank You for blessing my lfe with her. Now Lord I part You use me today. Let me reflect Jesus to all I encounter..use me to change someones life this very day I part in Your Name..Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 11:49:56 +0000

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