As a person, and more specifically a Catholic/Christian woman, I - TopicsExpress


As a person, and more specifically a Catholic/Christian woman, I find this incredibly poignant and well worth the thirteen minute time commitment. I have struggled for longer than Id like to admit with my identity as a woman within Christian circles, and I find this a vehicle to speak about those struggles. I often feel that I dont fit the mold for the holy woman that a gentle and quiet spirit implies. My interests and habits often make me feel isolated and ineligible as an example of Christian womanhood, and whether or not that feeling is warranted, I am no longer afraid to admit my feelings publicly. As a member of the catholic (capitalization intended) I believe this issues need to be discuss frankly and honestly for the sake of the men and women who want to believe, but dont feel good enough to fit in with a Christian community. I would invite you to take the time to watch this video, and take some time to reflect on its message and how it impacts your own life. If youve read this essay through its end, thank you. Maybe Ill give you a cookie or something at some point.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 14:47:58 +0000

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