As a private citizen, everyone needs to understand a few pointers - TopicsExpress


As a private citizen, everyone needs to understand a few pointers about the mixed reactions to the ONeil Saga: 1. The protests against the PM is due to his refusal to be interviewed by the Police in the Paraka case. It is not because he is guilty but because of his non-adherence to Constitutional due processes. Meaning a process set by the constitution whereby if there is seen to be breach, then he as a citizen will have to go through it. He is however innocent until proven guilty. 2. A breach of said processes was identified by the Sweep Team to have occurred and a case was presented to the Police Department who further acknowledged that there was a case against the PM hence the warrant of arrest. 3. There is obviously undertones of political influences in every facet of the whole saga but we the people of PNG dont care who the next PM is. Deep down we want to feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that the PM is subject to the same Constitution as we are (obviously he will be immune to certain sections of the law by virtue of his appointment) and that the Integrity of the Office of the PM is held intact by our Constitution. The office is bigger than the individual. 4. This is not a regionalistic issue for everyone against Hela and SHP. Only shallow minded individuals will see it as that. It is a case of ALL citizens of PNG protesting against a bad precedence set by our elected leaders in a DEMOCRATIC state. ( Look up the word democracy. Its a good word!) 5. Calls to shut down the LNG is unwarranted as Exxon Mobil and other developers have already signed the contractual agreements. The PNG Government doesnt have the capacity to sustain a massive litigation suit by these global petroleum giants (yumi nogat moni lo baim ol sapos ol kotim yumi li stoppim wok lo LNG). Other reasons cannot be stated due to time. 6. All we can do is to protest peacefully using non-violent yet effective methods to make all our MPs realise that they are there PRIMARILY TO SERVE THE VOICELESS FROM THE TOWNS OF PORT MORESBY AND LAE TO THE SIMPLE VILLAGER IN SHP, HELA, SIMBU, MILNE BAY, MOROBE, MANUS,SANDAUN AND ALL PROVINCES OF OUR BELOVED COUNTRY, THE INDEPENDANT STATE OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA! These are just my observations :-)
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 03:16:06 +0000

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