As all of our campers, counselors and staff make their way into - TopicsExpress


As all of our campers, counselors and staff make their way into Shields Hall for Memory Night 2013, I couldn’t help but jot a few words down… It’s unbelievable how fast time goes by. 7 weeks ago, our buses rolled in, and hundreds of campers and counselors started the summer of their lifetime. Some of them knew what they were in store for and some of them had not the slightest clue, but camp sucked each and every one of them in, and I’d be willing to bet there is not a single person that is ready for this journey to end. If you asked someone how long 7 weeks is, most people would answer with “49 days,” “a month and a half,” or something similar in nature. However, most people here would say that it’s just enough time to dance in the lodge, play sports, shoot archery, win the whiffle cup, fly from the trapeze, create a dance for Girls Sing, have Olympics and Color War, make new friends, deepen your existing friendships, and most importantly, enough time to have an action-packed, memory-filled Camp CHEN-A-WANDA Summer! No matter how many incredible memories and experiences you created here this summer, everyone wishes they could make more. Whether you rocketed down the Chenny Zoom, climbed to the top of the Iceberg, played a game of Kan Jam, won Camper of the Week, or found the Axe in Color War, you always wish you could do more, and you will always have those memories for the rest of your life. People that have never been to camp just don’t get it. They don’t understand the idea of camp, the friendships that are made, and what our kids get out of this incredible experience. They don’t understand how committed our staff is to this place we call home. From the smallest Freshman girl, to our counselors, to our head and professional staff, to our owners, they are all an equally important part of this incredibly large and loving family. There are 315 days until Summer 2014, and they can’t come soon enough. There will be new faces, there will be old ones, but CHEN-A-WANDA’s spirit is infectious, and it flows through every member of our ever-growing family. It’s no wonder we live 10 for 2, but I, like most others, wish it was living 2 for 10. It will be a long winter for all of us, but it will go that much quicker knowing that we have our summer home, CHEN-A-WANDA to return to. No matter how you put it: 45 weeks, 7,560 hours, 453,600 minutes, or 27,216,000 seconds, I am counting down until Summer 2014, as I know the hundreds of other members of my C-A-W family are too. I’ve been able to call this place home for the past 18 years, and I could not imagine that ever changing. I, like all of our staff, will move mountains to come back year after year. My past 18 years of memories will get me through the winter, and just because we are not at camp, doesn’t mean that our Chenny family is far. Most of us are just a call, email, facebook message, or text away. So to all my Chenny family far and near, have a happy, safe, and most importantly fast winter, so we can get back to camp and start making new memories in Summer 2014!
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 00:18:00 +0000

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