As always we will give an honest review of our investigation venue - TopicsExpress


As always we will give an honest review of our investigation venue nights and this one will be no exception. Welcome to Kelvedon Hatch (not so secret) Nuclear Bunker. I remember booking this place over a year ago now and have been looking forward to it for a long time. A sprawling underground shelter on three levels, a reported hotbed of paranormal activity that has been on programs like Most Haunted and Great British Ghosts. Well what was not to get excited about? So when the time finally came and myself, Neil, Tom and Karl packed up the equipment and headed along the motorway for a very long drive we finally got there. Seeing the cottage outside knowing that deep underneath it lies the bunker itself was very surreal. We entered through the Canteen entrance and met the very kind Mike Parrish who is the owner of the location. It was very strange being in this part of the bunker (the hill bit and top level) as it looked like a Café with the smells of food wafting in the air. I was not expecting that and certainly did not give me the eerie feeling of being in a haunted location. Instead it just made my stomach rumble as I was hungry. Mike very kindly gave us a (speedy) walkthrough of the bunker and it was hard keeping up with him. The place is very big, the two top levels about the same size but the lower one was much bigger and felt very disorientating. So many rooms. Deciding where the equipment would go was not going to be an easy one. The team and myself had arrived much earlier than the venue would start and we have about three hours to setup. Plenty of time we thought. That proved to be wrong and the time passed very quickly. However with what felt like hundreds of meters of cabling for the night vision cameras and the rest of the equipment like Chimes, Ouija Board, Pendulums and so on we set everything in place. It took the whole of the three hours and my feet were killing me from all the walking up and down the stairs. I certainly lost some weight from last night if nothing else. Lol. So we were ready, cameras switched on and rolling, equipment in place, team watered (but not fed) and the guests starting to arrive. By this time Mike had long gone home and a strange silence fell throughout the location. It was like a tomb in there, the smallest sound echoing around the many rooms and that later to be a big problem on the investigation. When all the guests had arrived (I find it so funny that they call it a Secret Nuclear Bunker when its signed on the main roads. That does make me chuckle) watered and fed I began my long (gruelling introduction). Some would say its like War & Peace. I on the other hand want everyone who does not know us to understand why 2 Haunted Venues do what we do. That does make the difference as we are not like the rest. 85% of the guests attending the night have been with us before so know how we work but there were some that have not experienced my hour long talk so I get to waffle on for a while which is nice. Lol. Once my talk was over and the people in the room white lighted for protection we started the investigation. We had the idea of working first on the top level which was mainly the sleeping quarters and hospital ward. The hospital part of the location is supposed to be the most active area so a main focus of our attention. We split the guests into two groups and Tom and Karl went into the first room full of bunk beds and the second group lead by Neil went into the adjacent room. The first room had our Laser Pendulum and the second had a large Ouija table with a metal ball bearing as the Planchette. In the past like at Gresley Old Hall we have had some incredible activity come through the Laser Pendulum and all involved and sitting around the table were very excited. They called out and waited to see who would come into the space. It did not take too long and the laser started to move slightly. All the guests around the table confirmed that they were not pushing the table and causing this physical reaction. A good start but of course we would not be 2 Haunted Venues if we did not want much more. The second room had most of the guests sitting around the Ouija Table but the ball was stubbornly refusing to move and not much was happening. Disappointing. That would thankfully change. Through that course of the investigation we started to hear sounds of footsteps above us but there are no rooms overhead. Some bangs and taps coming from various parts of both rooms and a guests claimed they saw a face in one of the door windows and yet no one was there. The Laser Pendulum did pick up momentum but it was not enough, the Ouija table did nothing which was frustrating. It became apparent very quickly that there was only one main energy in that location, a young woman in her late teens/early twenties that was trying to come through. A negative energy that claimed to have come through a doorway we had created on the lower levels had also stepped forward but it was weak and did not do much. More bark than bite. What was becoming very obvious though was that sounds travels in that place. You could hear what the other group was doing next door and any slight movement echoed around to the adjacent room. It was hard to tell what was activity, normal building sounds and all the people moving around. That surprised me as being a Nuclear Bunker with thick concrete walls and heavy doors I thought that wouldnt be an issue. It was and a clear example of this came much later. However when the rooms did finally quieten down we decided to move. It was going to be a long night. This was a ten hour (sleepover) investigation and with so many rooms to explore it seemed like there would not be enough time to see it all. We only gave ourselves half an hour maximum in each room (unless there was a response from Spirit of course) to get around the place. One group went to the hospital wing and the other I lead down in the lower level and the long corridor that leads to the cottage above. This area felt uncomfortable to me. It was pitch black and you couldnt even see your hand in front of your face. I rarely take a torch around with me and couldnt see a thing when I originally setup and turned out the lights. I like that. The fear creeps in and it really is an adrenaline rush. To know that something could rush down the corridor to me in the dark and the fear of it. I love it. What we had done was create an interesting experiment in that tunnel. We had put in our Grand Pentacle and it was proving in the past to be a doorway for energy (positive or negative) to come through. We had been told to go into this lower level by a rather angry Spirit and warned that we would not be safe. That proved to be a lie. In the corridor though we had the guests sit around it in the dark. The Grand Pentacle actually glows in the dark so we could still see it. I had a laser grid setup around the chairs and if anything physical passed through it the beam would be broken for everyone to see. It was cold down there. The upper levels are very warm and the change in temperature only added to the feeling of danger and was unnerving. Calling out and seeing who would come forward to interact with us (including that negative energy earlier) we waited. There were some strange bangs in the thick concrete walls. Some possible movement of shadows in the dark. That could however been imagination and not actual evidence. The bangs were interesting though as nothing could have caused that. The laser grids kept flickering and then drained of battery power. Some guests said that they felt like they had been touched and a possible growl but I was not convinced. Mild activity compared to what I wanted. I was getting frustrated. The group in the hospital wing had a Ouija Board but no reaction at all. Actually that was interesting as there was no response through the Ouija throughout the whole night. Nothing. The K2s never went off. The Spirit Doll did not flicker. The REM-Pod stayed silent. Nothing at all. A guest did hear a woman crying. A call for help. All sounds but it does echo in there so its hard to prove. Listening to the EVPs should sort that out. Another guest doing a lone vigil did feel like someone had walked through them, a cold draft that made them shiver. A shadow moved on the floor next to them. A few taps and the touching/pulling of clothes. Small stuff but at least it was a reaction. Another guest on a lone vigil heard a womans voice say exactly the same thing. They had no contact between them and the one chap was in a soundproof room. He also heard footsteps, breathing (outside of his own) and touching on clothes. A female guest was also on a lone vigil in the sleeping quarters lying on the bottom bunk beds and she was touched, feet pulled and generally scared as hell. That was good. Lol. It was very obvious that lone vigils cause a response. Keep them together as a group and nothing. It was disappointing and I was expecting so much more. The hours passed by and we moved from room to room with little or no response. That was until I was in the lower level with a small group of guests and Tom and Karl when we heard a woman crying. It was very spooky as we were in the War Room and it only had red lighting. We listened, holding our breath and it was exciting. Finally something was happening. I quietly moved towards the sound and it became louder. We opened one of the doors leading out of the War Room and there was some stairs leading upwards. It was a very small staircase and disappeared into the dark. Again came the womans crying. Again we moved closer. It was then that I bolted for the stairs and ran upwards towards the sound. I was excited. My heart was beating fast in my chest and I was about to get the paranormal activity that I always wanted. Proof. It was then that I heard other voices coming from above. A man talking. A woman laughing and something was not right. As it turned out the staircase leads straight upwards towards the upper floors and the canteen at the top. There was a group of guests in there having a break and the crying woman was actually a female guest laughing. Sound travels. I was so disappointed and to be honest I could have happily walked out of the place after that. I would say that most of the activity recorded in the past is from sounds travelling around the room, through the air vents and up the staircases. I would personally debunk most of that. The woman crying saying: Help me to three of the guests in completely separate locations was interesting though. We ended the night by holding a Séance in one of the meeting rooms on the middle level. It was interesting as there appeared to be bangs coming from the walls (all over the place actually) that answered our questions and again it was this single female energy. We have some basic information but nothing definite and cannot really be termed as evidence and a source could not be located. Still it was more than I was expecting from such a quite and inactive location. Actually that about sums it up for me. Quiet. If there was more than one energy in that Bunker it did not come out and play with us. The mind plays tricks in the dark and seeing shapes moving in the gloom could be anything. Not evidence. We will however study the Night Vision Cameras and watch this space if we find anything. By the time we got to 4am we were all very tired and disappointed so the guests retired to bed. They stayed in the sleeping quarters in the bunk beds while Tom and myself packed up all the equipment. It took two hours. We are very tired. Lol. Anyway 6am came and we woke the guests up and they had a final drink and said goodbye. We finished packing away the equipment and left the Bunker and back into the light. My overall review of the night was frustrating. One part of me would say that there is Spirit in there, well at least one anyway. A great deal of residual energy in the walls (stone tape theory) and over imagination. At least we can say that we have now investigated a Nuclear Bunker. I just wish so much more had happened. A year in the making. 10 hours to realise that it was not living up to the hype. For us anyway. Maybe other groups will have more success. Just watch those sounds travelling around that place. It may just trip you up and you hear your own woman crying in the dark. Check that canteen first. Lol. Onwards to the next investigation and hopefully a much more fruitful experience...
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 18:48:58 +0000

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