As an anarchist I may dislike the government, but I am very fond - TopicsExpress


As an anarchist I may dislike the government, but I am very fond of Veterans!!! They are the few willing to match words with deeds!!! Unlike so many pseudo revolutionaries, and insulated campus activists who like to wear their Che Guevara shirts and make so many false claims and complaints about everyone who lived before them,and relying on the good nature of others to bear them with patience!!! The veterans are willing to do things that spineless arm chair whiners, weened to long on their parents charity lack the guts and convictions to do!!! Veterans are willing to rebel against their own government when it has overstepped its bounds when others just bow the knee and beg government for rights that government has no right to give, using political process to appeal to the noblesse oblige of tyrants!!! Give me a veteran who will run a tyrant up to the hilt any day, and stick the head of a king on a pike!!! I love talking to veterans they have seen it all and have taken off many naive notions of reality. When you look in their eyes you can see knowledge!!! they have seen some serious shit that ingrates and people with soft lives will never know!!!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 23:07:27 +0000

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