As an avid watcher of many of the past years films, I agree with - TopicsExpress


As an avid watcher of many of the past years films, I agree with this sentiment. Some -- Id argue most, actually -- of the better performances of the last decade have come from women. The greatest performances Ive thus far seen this year comes from Boyhoods Patricia Arquette and Gone Girls Rosamund Pike, and Cate Blanchetts tour de force in last years Blue Jasmine rose above any other performance, male or female. But these stories are too few and too far between -- people dont write stories about women, and thats something that must change. Not only are these talented actresses begging for characters to inhabit that are as deep and layered as Stephen Hawking, Alan Turing, or Riggan Thomson, but audiences are clamoring for these stories, too. My greatest hero is a woman. What about you?
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 19:44:13 +0000

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