As another year is fast coming to a close, I’m not usually one - TopicsExpress


As another year is fast coming to a close, I’m not usually one who greets the coming New Year with over-the-top excitement. However this year is different, 2014 has been the year where our lives changed forever, in many ways for the better. We’ve endured every parent’s worst nightmare and have had to come through the truly harrowing ordeal of burying our child. We have learnt more about Meningitis, NHS shortcomings, medical malpractice and cover-ups, hospital staffing shortages, ‘no-win, no-fee’ legal policies, government petitions and the amazing work done by support charities than I ever imagined possible. Definitely not forgetting the amazing amount of care given to us and our children by so many of you far and wide…. Ranging from people I see every day, to people at the other end of the country or overseas and to old school friends that I haven’t seen for the best part of 25 years…. Our daughter Mia has created an inseparable bond between us and has given us the strength to meet life’s challenges, the ability to not take ourselves too seriously and laugh at things that used to seem important but in the grand scheme of things are so irrelevant. We will keep raising awareness of meningitis, child bereavement and the support services available to those affected. We will remain committed to campaigning for the routine testing in the UK of Group B Strep in pregnant women through 2015 and beyond. We will do everything in our power to get the topic discussed in the House of Commons and hopefully one day the provision of the test will be mandatory. Thank you to everyone who attended and/or contributed to Mia’s event at the Services, Desborough in July. As a lot of you know, Amanda suffered a fall and was hospitalised on the morning of the event and as a result the event did not go quite as smoothly as planned but in terms of awareness raising must be deemed as a huge success. We’re so grateful to those who provided services free-of-charge, gave up their time to help with the organising, raised money through their own activities such as fun runs, cake stalls etc. I have one apology to make and that’s to Kayleigh Mitchell who I (somehow) forgot to thank in a FB Status a few days later. She did a marvellous job… please put it down to me being in a bit of an emotional state…. So Kayleigh – THANK YOU XX We plan to hold the event again at the Services during the summer and hopefully Amanda will manage to keep herself out of hospital this time! Lastly and certainly not least we would like just to say how proud we are of our children for handling a very difficult year so admirably. You guys have at times virtually stopped us from cracking up!! Love you all xxxx Thanks for reading this and we just want you to know that we really appreciate the support we have received during 2014 and we hope that 2015 makes many dreams come true!! HAPPY NEW YEAR! xx
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:09:49 +0000

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