As many of my friends are asking me about the situation in Crimea - TopicsExpress


As many of my friends are asking me about the situation in Crimea and are expressing their concerns for the people in the region I thought I write something to express my views (information correct on the day of issuing ))). All over the world on our beautiful blue planet Earth we’ve created the zones and territories where the muscles can be occasionally stretched and steam let out. Who decides what? Well it is undoubtedly the privileged club as you have to have means to convince and give orders. So how bad is the terrible Russia, and is it less bad or how much more bad than the rest of the world, or is it bad at all? What do the people in Crimea want, and can they be allowed to leave the Ukraine if the vote goes ahead and should the rest of the world recognize the vote? Well, it’s not for me to decide but there are historical links and reasons for Russia’s presence in the Crimea and they have more rights to be there than let’s say the American navy or the French or any other respected powers… On both sides some sane the military guys are choosing their words carefully and let’s respect that. I am not a big fan of neurotic let me call it HACKING style reporting that some of the media is providing. When everything else is dense and shaky one last thing is needed a BBC reporter sticking his arms and pointing fingers at the high alerted military vessels? Having to spend four hours on board, with not much to report there is hard work indeed. It reminded me of my childhood adventure of climbing up the ladder to get on top of roof and then not being able to climb down. Just comical!! Take it easy guys, don’t rush! Now as for the “BRAVE” news readers from the RT (Russia Today English speaking Channel) I have nothing against speaking up and making your message heard but have they been trafficked and forced to read the news on the infamous channel in the first place? I come from the MINOR nationality myself and have some FIRST HAND experience of living through the conflict and I would generally agree with old buddy Checkov that “One must never place a loaded rifle on the stage if it isnt going to go off” in theatrical sense. But in practice, it’s up for the Production Team’s budget. But as far as I understand it MINORITY doesn’t mean LESS HUMAN RIGHTS and all the big powers in the world have skeletons in their closets. Take it easy and keep calm!!! youtube/attribution_link?a=_7KH1W4BPKo&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DQnpXASPd1h4%26feature%3Dshare
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 15:00:04 +0000

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