As many of you know on August 18 2012 I incurred a spinal cord - TopicsExpress


As many of you know on August 18 2012 I incurred a spinal cord injury and extensive facial damage which required facial reconstructive surgery and spinal decompression surgery. The spinal cord injury resulted in partial paralysis from the waist down. I could not walk and in the beginning there was little hope of regaining mobility. BUT with GODs help the spinal cord healed enough for me to walk with the assistance of a cane. On February 22 2014 after visiting my granddaughter Kimmy I slipped on ice and fractured my femur just below the ball. The fracture require surgery to place an 11 rod in my femur along with rod and other hardware. Why am I revisiting these injuries? To say that life sometimes is tough. Who do you think worked the hardest during my rehabilitation? The doctors? The nurses? The physical therapist? I had to be the one to decide to try everyday, even when it seemed for not. Not to discount family and friends because I for sure would have had a much more difficult time without Sheryl, Coley, and Gracie Lous help and cheering. But I had to decide to get up and go when it wasnt easy physically or mentally. When we get knocked down in life lets do the best we can do to get up and get going. Why the big post today? Well because today I drove myself to Osky to get my hair cut. Not being able to drive for several weeks or several months as before takes away a persons independence and freedom and just down right sucks! So do your best every day in every thing you do because you dont know what might happen tomorrow.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 22:42:48 +0000

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