As many of you know, we have been in the news due to the death of - TopicsExpress


As many of you know, we have been in the news due to the death of a rabbit on Saturday of fair. Heres what we know: 1. Nine rabbits showed symptoms of heatstroke on Saturday. 2. The barn was closed early in order to determine what was happening to the rabbits since it was not overly hot on Saturday. 3. Our vet on call was consulted by phone in which the determination was made that the symptoms were also consistent with exposure to a toxin. The animals were given the okay by the vet to be released at release time with the directions to watch their animals over the next 24 hours. 4. One rabbit was put down. The others all recovered. 5. As of this time, it is only speculation as to what caused the animals to exhibit these symptoms. There is no determination of what the toxin may have been. Please keep in mind that the word toxin in this instance is generic and can include many things. Antifreeze was NOT the toxin. 6. NO other barns or animals were affected.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 20:23:17 +0000

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