As much as I like to see Halliburton pay for this, from my - TopicsExpress


As much as I like to see Halliburton pay for this, from my experience in the oil patch, including some offshore work long ago, the operator, BP is responsible for the decisions that led to the largest offshore spill in US History. BP has long been an evader of US environmental laws and has flaunted that fact in our face for decades along with the rest of the oil industry. Their directors, executives, managers and engineers were fully responsible for both the corporate culture that enabled this spill and the incompetent decisions that led to the deaths of their own employees and contractors and so much environmental and economic destruction. To save a few thousand dollars they waived off a number of standard operating procedures designed to prevent such accidents. Why arent those bastards in prison, their intentional negligence put cost lives let alone the environmental damage. This is not just an petroleum industry question, it is a manifestation of the omnipotent influence and impunity of transnational corporations that have totally corrupted our political system and make justice impossible. Halliburton, the former employer of Dick Cheney has committed far graver crimes and were among the biggest profiteers in Iraq. They, BP and others like Chevron should be made to pay for all their crimes against nature and humanity. Well over 50% of white males in the US support unquestionably the political philosophy and Republican proponents of deregulation. What do the survivors and families of the deceased from this disaster think today, or the engineers, employees and contractors that offered services that would have prevented this disaster in the first place think? What is Nature telling us? Listen to the Mother, the Earth. Her heartbeat tells all. Sometimes that beat calls us to action. She is calling Divest, Protest, and Regulate the hydrocarbon industry into oblivion --- a future minor provider of lubricants and curious artifacts.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 15:54:15 +0000

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