As often happens throughout History, the collapse of any Society - TopicsExpress


As often happens throughout History, the collapse of any Society frequently comes from within. Consider Egypt. They were under the Presidential Authority of Hosni Mubarek until Obama decided to inflame the youth and by his words and encouragement as well as the U.S arming the “rebels” the Egyptian Government was overthrown. Once again due to Obama’s meddlesome interference, the Muslim Brotherhood was installed as the new Egyptian Government. Not even 2 years had gone by and the people were screaming that they had made a mistake by placing the corrupt and evil Muslim Brotherhood in charge. There is now another rebellion brewing against the government with hopes and plans to unseat their new government and attempt to reestablish some sort of Democracy. It will be another bloody venture. Pray for them. Syria is another case of Obama’s meddling and pot stirring. By inflaming the once peaceful and moderately content youth against the Syrian Government, Obama insisted that the only way to live a “fair” and prosperous life full of entitlements, they had to rise up and overthrow President Bashir Assad. Assad was proclaimed a friend of Obama, early on. This is his loyalty. The Civil War in Syria has turned into one of the bloodiest in that country’s history and it still continues. The Muslims are tribal people as are the Arabs There will always be one tribe attempting to eradicate the other. The Sunnis vs the Shiites is a good example. Look to History and you will see that these warring factions, be they in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey or any other country devoted to Islam, has always had war and conflict. So the world is going to Hell in a hand basket. Anyone who is alert and can see the truth unfolding before their very eyes, can see that the once semi peaceful world is no longer a safe place, no matter where....
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 00:32:33 +0000

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