As some of you know I have recently been diagnosed with that - TopicsExpress


As some of you know I have recently been diagnosed with that exuberant disease called hypothyroid!! 😛 (and to be honest with you I would much rather conquer stage IV cancer all over again then deal with this one -but I guess this is another one of those expectant exciting gifts of cancer) and as ALLLLL of you know Lisa will always choose the holistic side of conquering health opportunities (unless dragged to the hospital unconsciously and given much morphine!) 😆 So I have found the most amazing holistic hormone doctor here in Nashville that specializes in thyroid. And as we were going through my new way of life regiment she highly recommended that I eat NO MORE than 26 g of sugar a day. My first thought was 💃 ROCK ON!! this is going to be easy!! I dont really eat anything other then fruits, vegetables and sprouted nuts anyway so then when I told her that, we decided to go through my previous days consumption and figure out all of the sugars, fats, proteins, carbs etc. .....HOLY CRAP!!!! I had consumed 361 g of sugar IN 1 DAY in my healthy diet!! All that beautiful healthy fruit that I had consumed and the tomatoes and carrots and beets -juicing them made them even higher in sugar because I took the fiber out!!!! Sugar is sugar and your body doesnt necessarily distinguish a peach sugar from a candy bar sugar! ESPECIALLY WITH THYROID ISSUES!! --this could explain why my weight was increasing at the rapid weight of a 1/2 to 1 pound a day especially during this canning time and eating my fill of the fruits 🍑and tomatoes🍅 that I was preparing!! It can also explain why each day Iv been more and more lethargic!! Just within the last few days of tracking my sugar intake and keeping it 20 g and below has been a world of difference!! So I post this today in sharing with you... always dissect your healthy diet if things dont seem right in your healthy world!! 😎
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 17:12:03 +0000

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