As some of you may know, Jason Moran and I are re-doing our - TopicsExpress


As some of you may know, Jason Moran and I are re-doing our kitchen. To be exact, gutting it and getting everything new. I need to share my INCREDIBLE FRUSTRATION and COMPLETE DISAPPOINTMENT in far we have spent a tremendous amount of time and money in an attempt to get the kitchen of our dreams. EVERYTHING weve purchased is from Lowes and the same story is true for all of our previous home updates. We placed our order for cabinets and were told they would arrive for us to pick up on July 18th. After not hearing from them about the delivery we called July 23rd and were not able to get any assistance because our sales rep was off and would not be returning until July 25th, so they asked that I call back then, as they were showing our cabinets were shipped in their system. On July 25th I called to speak with our sales rep, and was then informed that they were incorrectly ordered and set for direct shipping to our house. In addition, they were behind schedule in production...making them even more late for delivery. Our sales rep informed me that she needed to track down the cabinets and would call me back. After not hearing back from her, I called on July 27th to find out the status of our cabinet order. She said they would arrive the afternoon of July 28th. I asked her to strongly confirm and promise they would be delivered because our amazing brother in law, Chad Decker was driving 3 hours to do our contracting work. She guaranteed the delivery would occur on July 28th. During this same conversation I requested the list of items we purchased in addition to our cabinets be emailed to me, because the receipt does not give details and we needed to figure out what else is needed for purchase to begin the project. This list was already in existence because we had looked at it with the sales rep. After discussing the situation, we decided to proceed with the kitchen remodel to begin on the 28th, so Jason drove to Lowes to personally notify our sales rep to pull our already purchased items for pick up on the 28th when we pick up our cabinets. On July 28th our brother in law completely gutted our kitchen, later I went with my brother in law to pick up our cabinets and the other supplies we ordered. We entered the store to find that customer service could not provide the above mentioned list and guess what?!?! Our cabinets had not yet arrived. So after we took it upon ourselves to try to find someone who could help us figure out the materials we purchased already, we proceeded to buy the other materials. After buying our materials, we stood in line at customer service for about 15 minutes with other sales clerks standing behind the desk and not offering to assist us. I then was advised to grab a sales clerk to help me because it was quickly approaching closing time and we still needed to go to the back to pick up our pre purchased items that were supposed to be pulled and ready for pick up. So the sales clerk I grabbed seemed less than happy to assist us, but did so and eventually became more friendly. She quickly called the back to notify them that there was a pick up (us) and not to lock the gate until we came to the back, because it was closing time. We could tell that the person on the other end of the phone was annoyed, based on the sales clerks apologies. So after figuring out our order and taking the few items from our order that had been pulled in a cart for us, we proceeded to the gate for pick up. We gave the sales clerk at the gate our paperwork, we were stopped with our windows down waiting for direction, and he says into his walkie talkie the pick up is coming back, get them their stuff and get them out of here. We proceed to the back and find that nothing in our order had been pulled. To give you an idea we had lumber, tiles, drywall, etc. so as the men are trying to get our order my brother in law tells them well just take the essentials and come back because of the time wed wasted and how late it was getting. So we get what we need and go back to the friendly gate sales clerk. He then insists that I sign stating I picked up all of my items. I tell him that our items were not pulled and that we didnt pick them all up. He says we cant go anywhere until I sign that Ive taken everything. So we finally agree that going back into the store may solve our problem because he said hes just doing what hes told. So back into the store we go to tell customer service the issue. They need to go check how to correct the issue and we wait again. This time speaking with a friendly clerk who promises to correct the issue. We finally go home after about 3 hours of time that should have actually taken maybe an hour if things would have been done correctly. On July 29th we call our sales rep to discuss the fact that the cabinets were not delivered and that we are upset. She looks into it, apologizes and says the new delivery date is July 30th. My brother in law goes back to Lowes on July 30th to pick up our should be pulled order and cabinets, once again it wasnt pulled and shocker, the cabinets werent delivered. so he spent an hour at the store picking up the remaining items, one of which was counter tops that were scratched, he needed to point it out and ask that they get new. I find out after work that the cabinets werent delivered and call our sales rep at Lowes on July 31st. I tell her how upset I am, the POOR customer service weve received and my utter disappointment overall. She again calls the cabinet company and finds out the cabinets will be delivered August 1st. She calls me back to tell me this. At this point I ask to speak with her manager because this means our brother in law is going to need to make another trip to finish our kitchen project. She puts me through to him and he is very apologetic and says he needs to look into things and get back to me. I hear back from him that hes called the company and they have changed their route and the cabinets will be deliver first on August 1st. I then go to Lowes to discuss my disappointment in the experience, he offers me $400 off of our order. I accept his apologies and we agree I am satisfied with the resolution. So on August 1st our brother in law goes back to Lowes to return some items because we upgraded our tile from our original order. He has two carts, a Lowes employee comes up to him in the parking lot, asks if she can help, he asks if she could push a light cart into the store to return the items, she says no she cant. So he maneuvers two carts through the parking lot himself and the one cart hits his ankle, taking out a huge gash of skin, causing his shoes to be ruined and lots of blood. He then goes to pick up our cabinets at the time promised and he FINALLY gets them. He brings them home and we find that the trim to go on top of the cabinets does not match and is not solid wood like the rest of the cabinets. The counter top angle was wrong, the edge covers the drawers, making it impossible to open the cabinet drawers AND the cabinets were not the correct size!!!! Bear in mind two sales reps came to our home, measured and told us their suggestions for cabinet size and layout. Not only did the cabinets not fit, our brother in law found that the soffit was not the same size all the way around the kitchen and the cabinets with trim would not work in the space. None of which was ever brought to our attention by our sales rep when discussing our order and her suggestions based on the measurements she took. So all 3 of us go to Lowes, Jason, Chad and I. We meet with the sales rep, who finds that she did not correctly transfer her measurements into the computer and she did not measure correctly in some areas, or even measure at all in areas such as the soffit. I tell her my expectation is that they reorder cabinets in the correct size, in fact larger to compensate for removing the soffit because of the way its built, and send an installation team to tear out our soffit, complete the cabinet install, install our backsplash, complete our floor tiles and anything else that we need, in addition to financial compensation for this EXTREME inconvenience. I remind her how weve been living and that we have a 1 1/2 year old at home, which makes this mistake even more of an issue. She says she will go in this morning because her boss is working, we can meet with him and get things settled. She severely apologized and said to go ahead and at least use the cabinets we were sent to get us through the 4-6 weeks that well need to wait to get the correct cabinets and finish installing everything else. So this morning Jason and I go into Lowes to meet with our sales rep and her manager. Although I was previously satisfied working with him, he begins to tell us that the measurements with the soffit and cabinets cannot be held to them because they were not contracted to install the kitchen. I explain again how much they have disappointed and angered us, and at no time were we ever informed of anything like that. I reiterate that 2 of his sales reps measured our kitchen and should be able to get correct measurements and product for us, after all they are the experts, not us, which is why we went to Lowes in the first place. He then says he cannot promise they will complete the install free of charge and hell need to review everything with the store we ask to speak with him. The kitchen cabinet manager says he is off and wont be in until Monday, nor is there any way to call him. now because Lowes SCREWED up MAJORLY we need to wait. We cannot have our brother in law finish our kitchen because he will be returning to his teaching job by the time the cabinets are delivered.Im really hoping they can make good on their mistakes, however after todays conversation Im not feeling very positive. It felt as though he was trying to talk things down and place blame on us, suggesting they should not be held responsible for the major errors theyve made. I do feel it is important to mention that our sales clerk, although she is responsible for the errors, was very nice to work with and I really hate that this is happening because I know she feels terrible! At this point I would never recommend anyone use Lowes for ordering large projects though...Im really hoping after Monday Ill be able to back track and let everyone know they actually made good on their mistakes and inconveniences to our lives. One thing I can say is that we have an amazingly patient and supportive brother in law and we are very lucky! Jason and I are both so grateful he was with us through this mess and was able to guide us though the issues with Lowes! Please keep your fingers crossed that Lowes can prove us wrong and they are a standup company who corrects their mistakes and doesnt screw their loyal customers!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 17:44:45 +0000

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