As someone who has been helping Jordan Berg Lormor start her own - TopicsExpress


As someone who has been helping Jordan Berg Lormor start her own home-based cookie business (check out My Cookie Cookie if you havent!), I have to vehemently disagree with the insights of this editorial. While there are some valid points to the authors sentiments, he obviously has no real notion of the limitations placed on entrepreneurship in the name of public safety. Prior to many recent so-called cottage food law passings like the changes the author mentioned, most states had laws prohibiting the production of food in a non-commercial kitchen for public consumption. This goes far beyond the reach of a simple health inspection - in Texas and Alabama (the states that Ive researched starting a food-based business) the laws are very specific about not only the conditions of the kitchen, but the type of equipment, facility, and beyond in which the food must be produced. It means someone such as my wife or the girl mentioned in this article must invest hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to even entertain the thought of selling a few cookies or cupcakes within the boundaries of the law. Furthermore, these laws, and their resulting inspections, do little to guarantee that a commercial kitchen was any more sanitary than its residential counterpart on any of the 364 days out of the year when the health inspector wasnt there. Anyways, Ive got plenty more I could say, but Im rambling WAY too much for a Facebook post - thanks for getting me fired up Waite Colbaugh :). Last thought - be careful in putting too much faith in any government to protect you...just because you voted for your local/state/federal representatives doesnt mean the thousands/millions of hired bureaucrats carrying out their decisions have your best interests and well-being in mind.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 02:26:05 +0000

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