As spring comes flowing in gently it wakes the world with a smile - TopicsExpress


As spring comes flowing in gently it wakes the world with a smile and a kiss. Ushering back in the light which was gone telling the world to break into song. So it is with spring that we awaken renewed and its time to bring forth new hope and ideals. Sowing the seeds of life and of hope in a garden nearby and in our hearts and our souls. Summer rushes forth like a long lost friend bringing with it the heat and fun once again. The plants and trees with vigor and lust bring forth flowers and fruit as they must. So it is with summer that all which we have sown springs forth whether planted in the ground or in our lives. As the season draws on we give care to such things so when the time comes for the completion of them they have had all they needed to grow. Autumn sneaks in with care and concern easing all in to a time of return. Crops are harvested as well as our plans knowing that soon comes the time to rest. So it is with Autumn that all we have done comes through allowing all we have done to show true. Winter blows in with a cold hard wind, though it is bitter it remains a good friend. It lulls us to sleep and may seem to be blue but without it to strengthen us we would not renew. So it is with winter all things are cleansed from the earth to ourselves ready for when spring comes again. For every season there is a reason. All things from our lives to the seasons form a great circle in their changing and always come back again to where they were.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 13:08:07 +0000

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