As stupid as this may sound, the lucky dolphins will die. Those - TopicsExpress


As stupid as this may sound, the lucky dolphins will die. Those who, yes who, are chosen to remain alive are destined for a lifetime in aquatic, concrete prisons of torture. These water-filled hellholes attract mentally sick human beings, who pay money so they can go and gawk at, clap, cheer and marvel at these incredibly intelligent and emotional mammals of the sea. The ONLY reason the dolphins obey their aquatic, prison-camp commandants is, if they do not, they get starved of food and subjected to other behind-the-scenes cruelties until they surrender to their masters will. I make no apology for the following. If you are someone who goes to places called theme parks and oceanariums such as Sea World, where oceanic dolphins (including the dolphins we call orcas, killer whales, blackfish) perform for your amusement, take a look at what happens in Japan at places like Taiji. Then watch the documentary Blackfish. After that, ask yourself, what does it say about me as a human being, when I am willing to pay money to support this evil trade, captivity, cruelty and bloody slaughter? As for the dolphins that are murdered at Taiji - Japanese food culture? Crap! I have formally studied Japanese whale and dolphin meat consumption at length at tertiary level. For every person who puts this cultural argument, I will put up 10 JAPANESE historians who will blow that bulldust theory out of the blood-stained waters. Its a pity the Japanese Peace Constitution does not extend to the oceanic mammals of Taiji and The Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. The same applies to zoos, where animals, exotic and otherwise, are kept in captivity for the entertainment of we most intelligent humans. Oh but, some protest, zoos do some great work to save endangered species of animals. So what! One of the major reasons they do this work is to try to legitimise their existence. Their research and endangered-species work is funded by the captivity of non-endangered AND endangered species in cages. Yes, an artificial savannah is nothing more than a glorified cage. Now, even more sick people can pay their money to go and gawk some more at these wonderful creatures, great and small, in their human-made prison cells. Moronic mummies and daddies take their little kiddies along to these animal prisons (so-called zoological gardens) and say, oh look at the lovely tiger, Johnny/Mary. The seed of captive-animal legitimacy is planted in that childs mind. Tragic! If zoos cannot be economically viable without the captivity of elephants, rhinos, hippos, polar bears, seals, lions, tigers, giraffes, monkeys, apes, chimps, all manner of birds, and the list is endless...then governments should shut them down. Decent-thinking, honourable human beings will be more than willing to fund the research and endangered species work from the public purse - taxes. This is the ONLY solution which has any air of honour and integrity. Thank you to my friend Elaine Gilhespy, for highlighting this Sea Shepherd article.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 11:03:11 +0000

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