As suggested, I have filed a letter of complaint at the office of - TopicsExpress


As suggested, I have filed a letter of complaint at the office of the barangay chairman regarding the blocking of the street and the noise disturbance in the neighborhood. I only made 2 requests: 1. that the street party must end at 12:00 midnight at the latest 2. That at least one lane of Burgos Street be passable to vehicular traffic. These requests are still in the favor of the school that is using the public road as their private school grounds, and I am being very reasonable. However, this seemed more like an exercise in futility when I handed the letter to the barangay chairman who responsed that: 1. Tomorrow is their last day, just bear with them. 2. We (barangay) can only bring aggrieved parties to an agreement or compromise, we cannot enforce a ban or tell them to stop what they are doing. 3. We (barangay) have jurisdiction to only one lane of the road. The other lane is another barangays jurisdiction. (meaning, if they have a permit to occupy one lane, its on our side). 4. Today is a holiday. Whatever paperwork that needs to be filled up gets processed tomorrow, but by then it will all be over and done. I will give the barangay chairman the benefit of a doubt as he assured me that he will call the school and talk to them about this. I talked to the school administrator earlier, but wasnt given any clear answer nor compromise. The big question here is why does a HIGHLY URBANIZED Tacloban City Government, the only HUC in the region that the city mayor always brags about whenever he is given the chance to talk, allow private entities to close public roads for private use? Is this his vision of what a highly urbanized city should be? This reminds me of the summer nights street disco from a lifetime ago, but at least they didnt block the road until late in the evening.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 10:04:50 +0000

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