As the admission season begins in February TerraNichol Academy - TopicsExpress


As the admission season begins in February TerraNichol Academy offers advice for admissions. What is the best kind of preschool, early childhood education, for your child? You want to understand different preschool styles, which is a good fit for you. You will also want to know how to tell if it’s a quality preschool. According to the U.S. Department of Education, “children in high-quality preschools display better language, cognitive and social skills than children who attend low-quality programs.” Here is insight and advice about how to choose and then gain admissions to a preschool that fits your family’s values and needs. First thing do your research and do it early. It may seem absurd to begin looking into an early childhood program when your child is a baby, but you’ll need to make all of these inquiries sooner or later, and we promise that getting it done sooner will serve you well. Once you’ve identified particular programs that seem appealing, you’ll want to learn as much as you can about their admissions procedures. Believe it or not, applications can be as complex and unique as the schools themselves. You’ll want to know, for example from what age a school accepts inquiries. If you are able to put your child on a wait list from the very earliest age, don’t tarry: make the call and get it done. We suggest if they have a summer program sign your child up. The educational director will see that your interest is long standing. In particular, if the preschool is part of the community they may offer enrichment classes for the early years, this is a great idea to sign them up so that the teachers can get to know your family. Another reason to look into schools early is to have a chance to get to know families and children who attend schools that interest you. Meeting another families can help to determine whether the schools community is right for you. Turn admissions packet in on time. Most schools will have a deadline and if the admissions packet is not turned in by the deadline this will forfeit your space in the program. If you made an appointment for a tour of the campus show up on time. Be pleasant and interested “Express” a genuine interest in this program. Write a thank you letter after each of your visits to the school. Let the director know its your first choice and that the school matches your values. Have a friend write a letter Parents of other children currently attending the school make great references. Be proactive!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 14:21:11 +0000

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