As the ceremony finally drew to a close, the Initiates and - TopicsExpress


As the ceremony finally drew to a close, the Initiates and Transfers surged forward, bringing a wall of noise with them. Over the various hoots and hollers of the black clad Dauntless enveloping him, the buzzing of hushed chatter stemming from the Erudite and Abnegation factions attracted his interest. They seemed perturbed over the earlier events of the morning and for good reason. BOTH children of a government leader deciding to desert their old faction in favor of a new one? It was practically unheard of... or at least, not extraordinarily common. Uriah had been too concerned with his own looming decision to bother observing the slender Abnegation girl theyd called Beatrice. One way or another, hed probably run into her at some point. That was, IF she lasted the night which he had his reservations about. Transfers in general were usually ill prepared for the initiation process. As a Dauntless born and the younger brother of a past initiate, Uriah knew what to expect...though that did little to aid him through the process. There was only so much that prior preparation could solve. As his loosely interlaced boots pounded against the ragged stairway, an expression of mirth seeped onto his handsome features. This was one of the many reasons he could never have resigned himself to Candor. He lived for the thrill, the excitement that Dauntless amply provided. Any other faction was bordering on suffocation, at least in his minds eye. The trains nearly here! Can you see the lights? Uriah bellowed, straining to be heard over the enthusiastic clamor as the Hubs doors were thrown open. The squeal of metal against metal muffled whatever responses were emitted and Uriah fixed his bright-eyed gaze on Steven. The two boys exchanged an amused look between them, before escalating their pace and sprinting straight towards one of the open train carts. ooc- I figured Id get them outside already, so there we go. No pressure. Come when you want to.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 23:22:36 +0000

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