As the death toll is becoming alarming in the country as the - TopicsExpress


As the death toll is becoming alarming in the country as the result of the deadly Ebola Virus, many Liberians are joining the fight against the spread of the virus by providing community members with preventive materials and educational tips. One of such person is Mr. Clarence G. Gahr an eminent resident of Weala town in Margibi County who in collaboration with his supporters, Friends of Clarence G. Gahr on Sunday, August 10, 2014 donated assorted Ebola prevention materials to the authorities of Cinta Township in Margibi County for onward distribution to residents of the township. Materials donated include two hundred buckets, two hundred gallons of chloral and four hundred large pack of tide-soap. The valve of the items is placed at a little over $6000.00( Six thousand United States dollars). Making the presentation, Mr. Gahr said that considering the deadly nature of the Ebola Virus and the need for every citizen to fellow the preventive measures prescribed by health workers triggered their donation. He noted that the donation is intended to assist those who are unable to afford the buying of the necessary Ebola preventive materials in the fight against the spread of the pandemic. He, however, disclosed that as part of their effort against the spread of the Ebola Virus, a team of volunteer has been dispatched in the Cinta Township to conduct community sensitization intended to educate dwellers on the prevention of Ebola. Receiving the items, the Commissioner of Cinta Township, William Julye praised the Friends of Clarence Gahr for the donation terming it as a call to rescue citizens of the township from contrasting the Virus. Mr. Julye used the occasion to urged all well-meaning Margibians to emulate such a gesture. The Cinta Township Commissioner at the same time promised to distribute the materials to public places including; worship centers, health centers, town halls among others.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 22:25:53 +0000

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