As the final 2 days of 2014 come to a close...I am reflecting on - TopicsExpress


As the final 2 days of 2014 come to a close...I am reflecting on what an incredible year it has been! It is with a profound sense of gratitude that I look back on all that has happened. 2014 has truly been a year of preparation, positioning, learning, growing, family fun, deepening friendships, business development, personal development... Part of the journey of personal development for me has been taking responsibility...the buck stops with longer blaming anything else for my circumstances. I have chosen to gather wisdom...surrounding myself with wise people who can speak into my life in many areas and guide me in the right direction ...and some of those people dont even know that they fill that role! I have chosen to take action on many things in life as a husband, a father, a business leader and in that action there have been others who have been inspired to take action as well. I have made certain decisions this past year that were not normal...because normal is not what Ive been reaching for! That is what average people do...just stay normal. I have learned that average people compare themselves with other people. That is why they are average. I compare myself to my POTENTIAL...I have been reaching for greatness...and I treat exhaustion as a precursor to victory. I truly have been the most joyful and happy in my life this past choice...and part of how that works is really quite simple: SMILE all the time and be grateful! Ive learned that the seeds of bitterness and discontent cannot take root in a grateful heart! I have let go of many things that held me back and it has been very healing to forgive myself of all the wouldve, shouldve, couldves this year. I have been forgiven much and I know that my history does not control my destiny! And lastly I am where I am today because I persist...without exception. I wont quit changing, learning, growing, leading, teaching, giving, singing, laughing. I truly am excited and anticipating 2015. There are some significant changes ahead..and I cant wait to share them with you! Sooner or later, every man of character will have that character questioned. Every man of honour and courage will be faced with unjust criticism, but never forget that unjust criticism has no impact whatsoever on the truth. And the only sure way to avoid criticism is to do nothing and be nothing. I want to encourage you as you head into 2015...if youre driven by fear and doubt, you cant enjoy winning the game. Instead of asking, What if I fail? ...turn that fear-based question on its head: What if I succeed? Who might I reach? What if I loved myself in spite of other peoples judgements? What if this marriage did work? Whom would I have to become and what would I have to do? Lifes real rewards - LOVE, happiness, and contentment - come through our internal growth. When you stretch yourself, you grow, and lifes rewards are attained through this growth. A life of growth will bring you never-ending fulfillment, paving the way to unlimited possibilities! IT IS POSSIBLE! Happy New Year everyone!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:59:51 +0000

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