As we continue to go through moments of what I like to describe as - TopicsExpress


As we continue to go through moments of what I like to describe as “face planting” and “up and running”, we are reminded often how we are not alone in the process. The good news is we are not going through this “face planting” and “up and running” simultaneously per say. Some of us may experiences these things long before anyone around us starts to experience them. I see this as a Divine plan for it allows us to, hopefully, assist one another through these ebbs and flows. These bouts of “face planting” (extreme fatigue, disconnect, headaches, dizziness, overly sensitive to EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE, etc.) and “up and running” (having the energy to finally get the house cleaned, laundry done, feelings of lightness, improved psychical well-being, feeling joyous moments of love for everyone and everything) continue to be the theme for this year. Hopefully many of you have noticed that the symptoms between “face planting” and “up and running” are becoming further and further a part from one another, yet still our challenge for the year. It is important to remain in your divine flow and personal rhythm meaning, continue to speak your truth and walk your talk. Being present in your own divine flow and personal rhythm is key for handling all the shifting changes and fluctuations you are seeing in others around you; in addition, it will help you in avoiding getting caught up in others’ dramas. Remember, it’s their personal shift, not yours, and they will flow and change until they find their divine flow and personal rhythm. Be on alert that others could be offended by your peace of resonance, as they could be in an uncomfortable shift themselves at the moment. Moreover, they could also try to take yours if you are not fully grounded in your walk. As one who may be an ultra sensitive empath, it’s imperative that you are aware of what belongs to you and what belongs to others. Some of you may be experiencing a lot of dream activity as of late, this could be happening for a couple of reasons. It could be your mind, body and soul processing and clearing away events, situations, thoughts that are no longer serving you or it could be the Divine communicating with you. I would advise you to keep a journal next to your bed and write down those parts of your dreams you recall for any message being delivered. Knowing the possibilities are very probable that we will continue along the lines of “face planting” and “up and running”, I would encourage all of us to take heed to the moments of “face planting” and embrace them. If this means retreating from the world once again for stillness and spiritual time then gladly do so. If it means resting (NAPPING like a cat) then gladly do so. In the same vain when we are in our moments of “up and running” enjoy the heck out of them. Do what you need to do, and when you “face plant” again be grateful for what you were able to accomplish during the “up and running” time period. Finally, I would say to somehow, someway find laughter in it all, for laughter raises our energy level and lightens us physically. Much love, Dr. KellyRae
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 01:58:20 +0000

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