As we move into the final stages of our Campaign. it is time to - TopicsExpress


As we move into the final stages of our Campaign. it is time to reflect upon some aspects of the contest. Firstly, if ever anyone attempts to suggest that our "brand" has run its course, that our membership lacks conviction, or that our movement has lost its soul, then the last 5 weeks would instantly prove them wrong. Our local members have taken to the challenge with the fervour that we have come to expect, manning prepoll, letterboxing, and all the other mundane tasks that are hidden by the white noise of the media. As we stare into the abyss that is the prospect of a Liberal Government, it is useful to remind ourselves of what that would mean. Under the stomach-churning Tony Abbott and his seedy accomplices, the "Welcome to Country" for the refugees of our region would be a machine-gun to the ribs should they attempt to penetrate our "Sovereign Borders". The face of Australia, strutting the world stage, negotiating our foreign position would be Julie Bishop. WOULD be Julie Bishop. Diplomacy through the prism of snarled platitudes and a concrete-cutting stare. Our finances would become the stamping ground of Joe Hockey, who hopefully would not insult our intelligence TOO often with his "the dog ate my homework" performance in explaining how $6 billion in expenditure cuts would fund $70 billion in promises. At least he had the decency to look embarrassed. No more foreign aid, Climate Change becomes "crap" again, stay with the copper wire, steam-driven data delivery, and a big BIG debt of gratitude to the media barons who dutifully pushed the Coalition Lie. To all those who have kept the faith, the old hands and the new volunteers, to the fellow-travellers and rusted-on diehards, the workers and the supporters, and even the people who simply offered a kind and supporting word, you have my sincere and eternal gratitude. Thank you for allowing me the honour of representing you.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 06:59:49 +0000

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