As well as taking pictures, I would encourage parents to keep a - TopicsExpress


As well as taking pictures, I would encourage parents to keep a journal of their little ones for all those things a camera cannot capture. Heres my one. Pretty as a picture My girl is beautiful. Thats not a mothers rightful bias, thats cold hard fact I am a real pest with the camera, trying to capture every wonderful adorable look and action for posterity. But there are so many things that will always escape the eye of the camera but which I drink in with every sense. The smooth, luxuriant, plumpness of your skin. The way your breathing quickens just before you cry. The way you crinkle your nose sometimes when you smile. The impossible softness of your hair. What its like to bury my face in your skin. The thud thud thud noise as you gleefully crawl after me at home. The sweet milky yoghurty smell of your breath. Your open mouthed kisses planted on my cheek. The beautiful curve of your forehead and cheek that invite and receive endless kisses. The way you mutter dadada to yourself under your breath as you potter about investigating toys and plug sockets. The earnestness of your face as you tilt your head to one side and expound your latest dadada theory at full volume. The way you hold your big toe straight up in the air and curl all the others under, monkey style. The way you continue to suckle in your sleep, long after youve come off the breast. The way you pull at your ears when youre tired. The way you look into my eyes as I sing you a lullaby. The way you roll around in bed, eyes closed, looking for a little suckle, and accidentally latch onto papas elbow. The way you sleep, limbs in all directions, looking so grown up, but as soon as you start to stir you pull your knees up close into your tummy, reminding me you are still a baby and were in the womb longer than you have been out of it. Pretty as a picture? No. A picture can never capture your full beauty. That image I hold in my mind and my heart.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 09:09:46 +0000

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