As with any story that saturates the media, there are a lot of - TopicsExpress


As with any story that saturates the media, there are a lot of cries out there to cut it out already with the Jian saga. Talking about being done with anything that gets heavy rotation for more than a few days is just as much a part of the Facebook experience as posts about food, kids, pets and selfies. Im thrilled to see people filling my feed with stories about Jian. Not because I enjoy a witch-hunt or because the story is titillating (I dont, it isnt) - Im just glad to see the sheer volume of posts on the subject for the simple reason that abuse thrives in silence. Anyone who is or has been abused knows all too well that not talking about it is the #1 goal of the abuser. This story should stay front and center for as long as it needs to in order to get the message across that this behaviour is unacceptable. If youre done with it, consider this perspective: there are others like Jian out there in your Facebook world. Dont send them the message that you dont care about this kind of abuse. I wonder if Jian felt at all empowered when he saw how well Jimmy Savile was protected all through his life/career? I hope this story makes the next Jian think twice. I want those powerful people who have been protecting and grooming Jian (until the bitter bitter end) to know that it matters. Abuse is systemic. Look up the ladder, and youll see some seriously deranged behavior coming from people in positions of perceived power. Jian doesnt live in a vacuum, he just doesnt inhabit the world of the average person. Even though he sounds like a textbook narcissist, Jian could very well be a victim of abuse himself. Keep posting about this story if it pisses you off. Facebook isnt about to run out of what-kind-of-flower-are-you-? posts anytime soon. Its A-OK to be addressing the big issues in this forum as well. Your critics can hide you from their feeds if its altogether too much for them to bear. Who knows? Maybe its triggering something for them...
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 00:03:23 +0000

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