As you know the Western part of the United States is very well - TopicsExpress


As you know the Western part of the United States is very well known for the Gold Rush. People headed west is search of fortune and a better life. Pioneers traversed the United States with wagons, and horses in search of gold. Many got sick along this route, many perished, and others turned back for home. An unusual amount of people drowned because they had to cross rivers and could not swim. The Gold Rush kicked off the the migration westward, although, certain we would have gotten to it eventually. There is no dearth of stories about prospectors and tales of riches and failures. There is a famous story of a prospector that is told by Napoleon Hill in his book, Think and Grow Rich. The prospector in this story picked and panned for gold, found it, and bought all tools and machinery necessary to mine. The mine looked like a success at first, but after a short while, and after a heavy investment, he couldnt find any more gold. Defeated, tired and exhausted, he gave up looking for gold, sold his tools, machinery to a junk man and went home. Subsequently, the junk man hires a mining engineer only to find that the prospector who sold him his tools was was only 3 feet away from a very large mine, but gave up. The prospector was only 3 feet away from his dream and quit. The story is called Three Feet From Gold. Believe it or not, many of us stop just Three Feet from Gold when it comes to fitness. We get oh so close and then, something happens. Sometimes it is self sabotage, but other times it is simply impatience. I hear many stories that begin with, I was doing really good and then..... I think this story is told frequently because riches or in this case, results, dont seem to come fast enough. If we noticed results, I am certain that would be the impetus to hang in longer. The challenge comes in when we are not seeing results. And, but the way, this can happen at any stage. Results are subjective. Even seasoned athletes at the top of their game can stagnate. But, a lot of us give up because we may be sticking to the script for what appears to be a very long time, but, when we just dont see the results coming in the time we have predetermined they ought come, we get discouraged and take a different course. It is important to be very patient with yourself. The body needs time to digest what you are doing to it. It is ok to remain status quo for a while in spite of your efforts. There is something that is always happening, your body is not ignoring you. Well then, how do you know you have given it enough time? I can tell you that results may take slightly longer than you originally anticipated and that is all. That doesnt mean it has to take a long time at all. Just slightly longer than you have programmed yourself to anticipate. If I think something is supposed to take an hour and it takes an 2 hours, it feels like a very long time. When in reality it was only an hour longer. It was my anticipation that was incorrect, I had programmed myself to wait an hour. This is the only problem. My anticipation of time. The people who have been successful at making dramatic changes in just about anything, including myself, suddenly notice results of things they have been doing for quite some time. It is suddenly noticeable, rather than sudden. I want to remind you that results are cumulative. Everything you do adds up. Everything. Like I said, your body is not ignoring you. It is like the height of one card on a table, hardly noticeable. But, if I add one card per day, I will have a stack, definitely noticeable. At one point do I notice the stack is high? At one card, definitely not. At two cards? Still not much difference. One day there will be a stack there and each card, yes, each card, even the ones at the bottom that you hardly noticed in the beginning, contributed to that stack. For many people getting out of shape or gaining weight is explained as, well , it just sort of creeps up on you. It is a similar story for getting in shape. It just sort of creeps up on you. Be patient, stay the course for a tad longer than you are accustomed to waiting. And remember, like poor health is cumulative. Good health is cumulative. Dont stop 3 feet from gold. Peace and Love, Vic
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 04:31:34 +0000

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