As you may already know 4/23 is Linda Pelletiers birthday. I know - TopicsExpress


As you may already know 4/23 is Linda Pelletiers birthday. I know personally how upset Linda is about not being able to visit Justina today, especially since Justina herself requested to see her mom on her birthday. There are no words I can write here to convey Lindas pain. The admin of the page and fellow supporters would ask that in honor of Lindas birthday that donations be made to the legal fund I would have preferred to post about how Linda got to see Justina and they could all celebrate her birthday together. Since DCF shot that hope down, lets see what we can do financially. I know well that many do not have a dime to spare. Please do not donate if you are unable. Do not feel bad or guilty about it I encourage anyone who donates or not to please write a message in the comments here on this post. Feel free to post pictures, videos ANYTHING to put a smile on her face, even if only temporary. You can add a message to your PayPal donation too. I did ask that donations be tracked for the day and that at the end of the day a card from ALL of us be given with the grand total collected in honor of her. The paypal is NOT run by this page. It goes directly to family. If you have the option on paypal please send as a gift or personal. Feel free to look at A Miracle for Justina FB page to check the paypal is the same The amount wont be posted here, I dont want to know. Its none of my business. But I have a good feeling about this. So please join me and my fellow admin Becky Rangel, Nancy Tozier, Jennifer Leigh Crispaldi, and the thousands of supporters in wishing Linda Pelletier a happy birthday. Linda, this will be your LAST birthday without Justina if I (we) have anything to do with it! Donate : https://paypal/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=CB8P82CDY8GFU ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 03:34:53 +0000

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