As you may know, September is National Preparedness Month, - TopicsExpress


As you may know, September is National Preparedness Month, FEMA’s intensive annual preparedness outreach campaign. If you’ve followed the news this year, you’ve seen, heard and read about the devastating wildfires, hurricanes, floods and tornadoes that have devastated many areas of the nation. Such news is a sobering reminder of how important it is to take steps now that will change, and perhaps save, your life during a disaster. The theme for this year’s National Preparedness Month is, appropriately, “YOU Can Be the Hero!”. However, let’s be very clear, the Ready Campaign’s “You Can Be the Hero” theme doesn’t mean we suggest everyone run into burning buildings! It means that we as individuals and communities must do our part to become safer by following some of the common sense advice on Ready.Gov. FEMA encourages citizens to be prepared in the event they must be self-reliant in an emergency for three days without utilities and electricity, water service, access to a supermarket or local services, or maybe even without response from police, fire or rescue. Preparing starts with four important steps: Be informed Make a plan for what to do in an emergency Build a kit Get involved. Please take this opportunity to visit many of the resources on the FEMA Region 9 website and become a part of the digital preparedness community so you can be the hero in your community.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 17:16:06 +0000

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