Asiwaju Abiodun Onafuye Fcba 3 hrs · What Daniel Told Us about - TopicsExpress


Asiwaju Abiodun Onafuye Fcba 3 hrs · What Daniel Told Us about Kashamu – LP Chieftain Published on October 28, 2014 by pmnews Abiodun Onafuye/Abeokuta The cold war between the former governor of Ogun state, Otunba Gbenga Daniel and the Peoples Democratic Party financier in the state, Prince Buruj Kashamu may likely rear its ugly head soon as all what the latter said about the controversial businessman during his sojourn with the Labour Party has been revealed including labeling him a ‘mystery’. PM News reliably gathered from a bigwig politician in the state, who is also a chieftain of the PDP that the coming together of the one time enemies may likely tear the party apart in the state. A chieftain of the Labour Party in Ogun State, Alhaji Tunde Emilola Gazal revealed that those who defected from the party alongside the former governor of the state last week Tuesday will soon find their way back into the party, adding that, Daniel said Kashamu brought unrest into PDP. Gazal stated this yesterday during the meeting of the Labour Party at the Party State secretariat in Abeokuta, where the governorship candidate of the party in the next year’s election, Mr. Sina Kawonise was presented to thousands of party faithful. He disclosed that the former governor has at several occasions when he was with Labour Party, declared never to have anything do again with Kashamu, who he claimed destroyed the good relationship in Ogun PDP. Gazal, an aspirant for the House of Assembly on the platform of LP in Ijebu Ode maintained that Daniel and Kashamu are two different people who can never be together except through deceit as witnessed during the unification rally of PDP in Ogun last week. According to the former Coordinator of the Amosun Campaign Group, Ijebu Ode chapter in 2011, he said, “when we started, we were all singing that both Peoples Democratic Party, PDP and the All Progressive Congress, APC have betrayed us and the only solution to their bad governance in the state is Labour Party. When we got to the middle of the road, some people because of money and self interest, turned back and they suddenly changed their tone and they are now telling us that the solution to Ogun problem is PDP. “They said they are going to PDP, many of them will suffer a lot, by the special grace of God, you will see them. As we are speaking, those who went to PDP with Daniel are not PDP members and they should not be deceived. We understand their game very well and in few weeks to come, you will see the outcome. They were deceived, misled and confused. “I am yet to get over the defection of Otunba Gbenga Daniel back to PDP. He has severally at every forum of Labour party, even at a bigger meeting told us that he will never have anything to do with the PDP again because of the ‘mystery’ in the party. He always told us that since Kashamu entered the party, the party has not known any peace in the state and always warned us not to have any link with the man, who he always called, ‘mystery’. “My question now is that has the ‘mystery’ left the party, what has Daniel now gone back to do with the mystery, someone he has called a lot of bad names and suddenly they’ve become very good friends. They are deceiving themselves and my pity is for those party members who does not know anything but were just deceived by cloth and some change to join them to move to the PDP. “I can authoritatively say here today that many of those that defected to PDP in Ijebu Ode have been coming back. I want to appeal to all of us not to send them away, embrace them and welcome back into the family. A lot have been said since Daniel left the party, I was even surprised with the large turnout of people here today, what we were told before was that there is no more Labour Party in Abeokuta, but those here today were not rented from either Sapon or Adatan. I watched when the party anthem was singing, they are all singing it perfectly, and it shows they are party loyalists and authentic members. “The party will survive without Daniel and that is the truth. OGD has done his part in Labour party and life continues. We should all remember that when God directed Moses to take the Israelites to the Promised Land, he did his best, it was not Moses that took them there, but they surely got there. What God has said is that, come May 29, 2015, Labour party will be in government in Ogun State,” Gazal stated. Alo speaking at the event, the Labour Party Chairman in the state, Comrade Bode Simeon expressed appreciation to all the party members for their untiredless support they have been giving to them, assuring them of victory at the 2015 poll. “Upon the entire struggle, you people are solidly behind us. I am moved and impressed with this large crowd I am seeing today. They have been saying the party is no more in the state, but this is an affirmation that the party will survive. Did we give you any kobo to coming here. Thank God we didn’t allow them to have access to our documents, they are the intruders and they have left us. “I want to reassure our people that this is a new reform Labour party with a good and new, dedicated and committed leadership. With your continual support to the party, to our governorship candidate, Sina Kawonise and our rebranded new state leader, who is also our candidate for the Ogun Central Senatorial seat, Otunba Olumide Osunsina, we will by the grace of God flush the mis-governance Amosun and his party, APC out of Oke Mosan, the seat of the government, come May 2015,” LP Chairman posited. Speaking with PM News, the party new Publicity Secretary, Hon. Tunde Morin Kilo assured the good people of the state of genuine and commoner style of government, if their party is given the chance in 2015. He reiterated the commitment of the party leadership in the state to move the people towards achieving success in the next poll and never look back or weigh down by the defection of some members to PDP, boasting that they are still coming back into the party.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 07:07:09 +0000

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