AssalaamuAlaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuHu, Heres a quick, - TopicsExpress


AssalaamuAlaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuHu, Heres a quick, easy to do, idea to throw in a surprise for your child, make him/her happy, appreciate their efforts and encourage them to continue making good progress. Well, my child recently asked me if we could throw a birthday party for her, and I know she knows this is not something we do in Islam, and I know she only wants to have some fun... may be, wants to feel somewhat special or wants to enjoy the lighting (my all three, including the baby, love playing around the lights). Whilst I told her we will talk to her on this in a few days, I knew I had to do something urgently. The fun time spent with parents sticks in little brains and stays with them forever. Thats something they take pride in, it helps them with their confidence, and they own the things done in that time... forever! I thought to throw in a surprise to appreciate my childs tilawah and her efforts towards it. Muslim Kid Genius shared the idea of activities in Ramadan (to make Ramadan cards...imaan grows and grows in the month of Ramadan - see here; https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=478147648934595&set=a.478147535601273.1073741826.207723462643683&type=3&theater) and working around this flower, I thought of another idea to work around theme of Quran recitation. If you sow the seed of imaan (written on the pot), and water it with the values in our deen, you will grow up to be our ibaadah daughter (serving Allah every moment of your life) - which is the middle part of the flower - and will shine through you the qualities of those who Allah says in Quran He loves.... (the petals)! This, I hope, will not only remind her what we learnt in our value of the day with letter Ain - Ibaadah, but how if you have imaan, and you work on it by observing the values in our deen, it results in you automatically serving Allah swt every moment of your life. For, imaan is not complete until it is translated into actions... just as good actions are worthless without imaan. I also aim to play a game with children around this. I will ask them to think of the values they are observing everyday (for example, being truthful, honest, kind, just, friendly, sharing, helpful, keeping clean, being patient... etc), and write it and paste it on/beside the small flowers on the stem - so that they practise growing into ibaadah (someone who is serving Allah swt at all times) and is attaining the title(s) of the ones who Allah loves (as He swt says in Quran). Then, we will match each value to the corresponding flower petal - for example, if a child is sharing and is being just, s/he is being Al-muqsiteen. If s/he is not telling a lie for the fear of making parents angry, s/he is being conscious of Allah - is being Al-muttaqeen. We will stick the pair of each value under the flap of the corresponding petal. That way, hopefully, they will not only learn some Arabic words but also that what values will help them be the one who Allah loves. Mums and Dads, Lets give good titles to our children, so that they take pride in doing what they are doing, so that they are conscious of what they are doing and who for? and so they learn to get to love Allah swt, be close to Him swt, by being somebody who Allah swt loves. May Allah strengthen our imaan such that it results into actions, Ameen. May Allah make our (ummahs) affairs easy and put us on the right path. Ameen. Please feel free to share for the benefit of others, and acknowledge the source(s). jazakAllah khayr. 20th March 2014
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 00:15:42 +0000

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