At 1400 on Saturday September 7 I had the distinct honor of - TopicsExpress


At 1400 on Saturday September 7 I had the distinct honor of disclosing to the general public an extraction mission that took place in the early morning hours of Labor Day six days ago. When most people were getting to sleep in for the last day of three day weekend, this elite extraction team was moving into place to extract a wounded soldier from enemy territory. Now let me tell you about the Captain that led the team. This Captain has compiled an unparalleled record of success. Of all the Captains in all the wars, this Captain has never lost a single soldier that He was sent to retrieve. All the armies ever arrayed for battle have never done what this ONE Captain has single-handedly done and continues to do. Soldiers who trust that He will come for them never have their hopes dashed. In fact, they call him the Anointed One. This Captain never fails to set free those who are captive. This Captain is also the greatest medic that ever served and continues to serve. This Captain not only successfully extracts every soldier who is waiting for him. He also heals every soldier who is wounded as He carries them home. Time and time again this Captain has successfully stormed the enemy’s gates to set the captives free. This Captain has successfully uncovered the enemy deception that says death is the end. He has revealed it to be what it really is. Death is but a shadow. This shadow will follow us all the days of our earthly existence. Shadows may frighten us at times. We may fear what is lurking in the shadows. But this Captain reveals the truth that we should all know by now. Shadows have no power of their own. Shadows cannot hurt those who walk with the Captain. When this Captain walks with us through the valley of the shadow of death we have nothing to fear. This valley of the shadow of death that we read about in the 23rd Psalm is but a means to bring us back to the first and greatest truth of the same 23rd Psalm - THE LORD IS! Many of us if called upon could recite from memory each and every word of the 23rd Psalm. But I would share with you that if the day ever came in this great land when the Word of God was ripped from our hands ~ If the day ever came when Bibles were removed from our homes ~ If the day ever came when it seemed that the enemy has won ~ If the day ever came when we could no longer recite the Words publicly ~ IF the day ever came when our minds waxed cold with age and we could no longer retain the memory of them in our hearts. I tell you that it would be enough if all we knew were the first three words of the first verse of this powerful chapter of God’s Word. When the storms of life come the first three words will calm them. When the enemy thinks he has won the first three words will stop him. When all manner of evil is formed against you the first three words ARE ALL YOU NEED. The first three words will restore the broken-hearted; the first three words will dry every tear. The first three words all alone bring life out of death and joy out of pain. THE FIRST THREE WORDS ARE ALL YOU NEED. The first three words of the 23rd Psalm - THE LORD IS. This singular truth is all that is needed. THE LORD IS. When we know this one truth everything we are going through is transformed. The reality of GOD brings meaning to our reality. THE LORD IS. This reality brings meaning even to our pain and sorrow. THE LORD IS. It is enough to simply know THE LORD IS. But this Lord who IS, is so good that HE tells us even more. Not only is HE, But He is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. 3 He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. HE IS MY SHEPHERD. He knows what is good for ME. HE LEADS ME and HE RESTORES ME. Sometimes that leading takes us down painful roads, but when we understand that he is the GOOD Shepherd we can trust that there is purpose even in the pain. And I really love this next part…. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Just a few days ago my dear friend, Master Sergeant Courtney Houston walked through a valley and was successfully extracted by the Captain of His soul and the Captain of the Host. On this side, we often view the valley with great fear. But I tell you today that Courtney Houston is on the other side of that valley. He has joined the ranks of those “that hover as a great cloud of witnesses” above this Nation AND if he could speak to us today from across that great valley he would tell us that we have nothing to fear. There is one who will walk with you. You don’t have to go it alone. Master Sergeant never did get to enjoy the retirement party he was looking forward to soon, but better yet all in one day, while most of us were sleeping he was extracted from enemy territory, he was called up, he was promoted and he was brought safely home and he is dwelling now in the house of the Lord Forever. When your day comes to walk through the valley are you trusting the Captain to walk with you, this Captain who has not and cannot fail? What He has done for others He will do for you.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 03:52:54 +0000

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