At Edgar’s Mission we go to great lengths to not only give - TopicsExpress


At Edgar’s Mission we go to great lengths to not only give animals a life, but a life worth living. In the case of our little orphans, in addition to suffering the stress of losing their mums, many arrive in terrible condition at the coldest time of the year here in Australia. Whilst we can give them all the love and nutrition we can, the need for warmth and safety is vital. But there is more to our happy jackets than meets the eye. They not only keep the little ones toasty the slight pressure of the jacket offers a level of security much like wrapping a baby in a snuggle rug. Occupational therapists and the renowned animal behaviorist Temple Grandin have identified the importance of pressure as having a relaxing and calming effect. While light touch can alert or excite the nervous system stronger pressure has a calming effect. This more than likely is due the release of endorphins, a similar effect can be given by gentle stroking. One of the difficulties we face dealing with baby lambs and kid goats is that they are prey animals that have generally had little to no human contact and as such they see humans as predators and to be feared. Our jackets have many different origins; many are donated, some even hand made, others are store purchased. Our preference however is for well fitting ones that are waterproof, and yes the more colorful the better! Different colored jackets also help us identify the little ones until their personalities come to the fore. And of course they do look pretty darn cute in them as well!! Stay up to date with all our latest rescued by signing up to our blog updates here - Want more super cute pics?! Follow us on Instagram or download the Edgars Mission iOS app in the app store! If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others... why wouldnt we?
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 11:00:00 +0000

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