At about 0345-0400 hours, as I turned onto my street a police car - TopicsExpress


At about 0345-0400 hours, as I turned onto my street a police car comes out of nowhere as Im turning the police car is right on me, I pull to the side in front of my house, the police car turns on his search light/side light on my car, and keeps it on as it passes by also taking a look into my drive way. Hmm... Then the police car goes to the end of my street as I get out and pop my trunk the police car makes a sudden U turn at the stop sign directly in front of the park, and comes toward me, no bright lights or search lights, no disco lights, I continue to grab my backpack and begin to walk to the front door, I watch as the police car sits at the stop sign where I turned onto my street and the police car began tailing me, the police stayed there idling until I opened my door and then went inside... odd... I am either mistaken for someone else? I look suspect? Usually if a cop wants to check you out, they pull you over when you turn, or pull over they pull behind you... Easy enough to ask if I live there and that they are just patrolling, and thats cool, I have no problem with that, actually awesome... But not the case... I am thinking maybe something went down and they are looking for someone on foot, so when I hit the corner they just followed me and then made sure I got indoors? But my instincts tell me, this officer knows my car, and that it belongs at this house. I decided it did merit a drive around the area where my Tahoe Park Family lives, so I made a few rounds to see if all was ok, making sure no one broke into our cars or just anything out of place. All was good, and no other police were around at all...Hmm... WTF?
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:39:16 +0000

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