At first glance, some readers may view repentance as a simple act - TopicsExpress


At first glance, some readers may view repentance as a simple act -- and in many ways it is. However, dealing with the complexities of human nature and the massive confusion that comes from the many popular, yet false Christian teachings brings us to a different understanding and reality. As we’ve said many times, the rules that govern God’s salvation and the way it deals with the human sin problem radically changed when Christ’s New Covenant went into operation. The Bible calls it, “a new and living way” (Hebrews 10:19-23). This means that our understanding of repentance from sin must also be aligned with “God’s new and living way made available through Christ’s blood” (Hebrews 10:19-23). But, here’s the problem. A vast majority of Christians and their leaders continue to preach about and deal with the subject of sin and repentance from the perspective of the Old Covenant, which is based on the laws of Judaism (the ancient religion of Israel recorded in the Old Testament). It creates a very dangerous and confusing situation. This popular mindset changes the act of repentance into a type of grueling and emotional ritual or legalistic practice that has many seemingly good expressions, yet can subtly undermine and discredit the finished work of Christ and His totally sufficient blood that was shed to “take away all sin. These religious practices can destroy our confidence and the security that our Heavenly Father wants His children to enjoy. And, here’s the worst part: Many Christians and their leaders make these distorted views of repentance “additional requirements” that must be met BEFORE you can receive God’s gift of eternal life (or salvation). We’ll cover this dangerous theology next -- so stay with us. The constant fear and confusion surrounding this topic makes it necessary to address some of these issues.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 17:25:13 +0000

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