At the time when U.S is set to withdraw its troops from - TopicsExpress


At the time when U.S is set to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan, many apprehensions are being made about the arrival of Taliban to Kashmir. But Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (G), Syed Ali Shah Geelani terms the ‘Taliban coming to Kashmir’ as a propaganda of India. He talks about the latest recruitments of ‘educated’ youth of Kashmir into the militant ranks and their role in Kashmir dispute. In an interview withThe Vox Kashmir’sHaziq Qadri, Geelani comments about the recent attacks on Panchs & Sarpanchs and his idea of Aazadi for Kashmir. There are apprehensions of Taliban Coming to Kashmir. Do you think they have a role to play in solving Kashmir dispute? Taliban has no role in solving the Kashmir dispute. They are fighting against America’s occupation in Afghanistan. Kashmir dispute is to be solved according to the UN resolution and Kashmiri people will allow no other option other than the Right to Self-determination. Getting in Taliban factor in Kashmir dispute is propaganda by India to sabotage the on-going freedom struggle. They, by taking the excuse of Taliban’s presence in Kashmir and fighting the terrorism, would use their different forces andtactics to crush the Movement. Getting in Taliban factor in Kashmir dispute is propaganda by India to sabotage the on-goingfreedom struggle How do you see Taliban and its actions in Afghanistan and Pakistan? What Taliban is doing in Afghanistan is justifiable but whatever Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) does in Pakistan is condemnable on the humanitarian grounds. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan is a Terrorist organization and they are axing upon their ownfeet by killing and waging war against theirown people. By shaking the very foundation of Pakistan, they are servingno purpose to the country and Islam; instead they make othersto suffer. You have always stressed on the ‘Peaceful Struggle’to solve the Kashmir issue. But many young boys are taking up arms to fight against India. Do not you think new generation now prefers gun over ‘peaceful’ struggle? Albeit our struggle is peaceful, we never deny the role of militancy. It has served the on-going movement for decades. But militant groups active in Kashmir must strategize their actions insuch a way so that the freedom struggle of Kashmir gets benefitted and none of the civilians is harmed. For example, militants attacked Indian parliament in 2001 or carried an attack in Mumbai; that did not benefit the Kashmir’s freedom struggle at all. We condemn the innocent killings, wherever they happen. All those attacks which take place anywhere in India on the name of Kashmir weakens our freedom struggle. It givesIndia a chance to misrepresent the Kashmirissue in the international community by naming it as terrorism. Since last year many Panchs and political workers were killed. Do you justify these killings by the militants? No doubt, mainstream political workers, Panchs and Sarpanchs are among the collaborators; but killing them on the name of freedom struggle cannot be justified. Militant outfits might justify attacks on these workers, but from the Islamic perspective, I condemn these attacks. Death is not what they deserve as the punishment. Our movement is genuine and the militants fightingfor it should take actions within limits. Kashmir is aconflict zone. Here combatants should fight combatants only; civiliansand non- combatants should not be targeted. You talk of Aazadi. Does itmean mere liberation from India or anything more or less? The aim of Aazadi (Freedom) in Kashmir is to change the system andestablish Islamic governance which gives equal rights to everyone. Under this governance, all social evils can be eradicated. If we fail to eradicate these social evils even after Aazadi, then attaining it has no meaning and its purpose remains unfulfilled. It then means mere shiftingof governance from one hand to another. Take anexample of Pakistan whose foundation was based on the concept of establishing an Islamic government in the state. But they utterly failed in doing so and its consequences are no hidden to the world now.We see people being killed in Karachi and elsewhere in Pakistan and the unrest that prevails in Baluchistan. The aim of Aazadi (Freedom) in Kashmir is to change the system andestablish Islamic governance which gives equal rights to everyone. When you talk about establishing an Islamic rule in Kashmir, many non-Muslims apprehend that their rights will not be safeguarded and they will be persecuted religiously. Do you feel their apprehensions are right? Many people have stereotyped the term ‘Islamic rule’. They interpret the term as a rule where non-Muslims enjoy no rights and are subjected to religious persecution. But that is not true. Islam gives equal rights to everyone-be it Muslims or non-Muslims. Under Islamic rule, rights of non-Muslims would be protected more than thatof democratic system or other systems like secularism, capitalism and communism. Time and again, you appeal to the international community to take cognizance of Human Rights Violations in Kashmir, and Everytime they disappoint you. Do you think it is time stop making appeals to them? Of course, international community or the European countries have so far never acted or endorsed seriously our appeals against the Human Rights violations that India is exercising here. But that should not stop us making the west and international community aware of the situation in Kashmir. There are justice loving people everywhere in the world and they support the genuine causes like Kashmir freedom struggle, irrespective of their affiliations. Our appeals to the international community does serve purpose, though little. We should not lose hope
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 08:30:31 +0000

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