At this very moment I feel like writing something. Something that - TopicsExpress


At this very moment I feel like writing something. Something that can ruffle a few feathers, stir a hornets nest, open up a Pandoras box, spill some skeletons from my enemys cupboard and in the end shake my head with approval of satisfaction. So what shall I write. That Indian democracy which is a part of Capitalist democracy is a farce? Well that is quite well known anyway. But do you know that most ministers behave like mercenaries of big Corporations? .Some say that the ex-PM MM Singh isnt a true Sardar. Because he never showed the true traits of one. Valour, courage and bold to stand upright in his thoughts & decisions. Decisions that could be sharp like an incisor teeth that could cut through the soft tissues of diplomacy or foreign policy. Specially that is important for our national interest. Instead he was been bending in all directions to please the neo-colonial power who has found in him a very adept listener even though his turban tightly covers his ears! He never had come down to level of common man during his tenure.Hobnobbing with corporate honchos and stayed put at that level, some one should have deflated the balloons that held him up there! Or at least cut those strings! Well PC, I am not talking about the laptop PC but the one who occupied the main bunker in Delhi from where he directed the Operation Green Hunt. It seems he didnt require a pair of binoculars to see the distant enemy. His pair of thick glasses did the trick it seems. Kind of surprised though, this man should have been in army camouflage during the day time and in his Dhoti during the nights. But he did the opposite I believe. At nights he donned a pair of night-vision goggles to ascertain there was movement in the distant jungle so that he could order a poor soldier to aim & shoot the intruder. Alas now he has to target someone since his glorious money making days as corporate lawyer are over. The days when he represented Enron & Vedanta. Am talking about P Chidambaram. During the UPAs rule in Delhi we had a lovely & glamorous visitor who trotted along in her high-heeled designer sandals from across the border to enthrall the media. She was the Foreign Minister of Pakistan. For the all important meetings she had with SMK or MMS she had to carry tons of paper work to put across the ideas of detente. That is why she carried so many big expensive hand-bags of all brand names that is found on Madison Ave in NYC or a svelte shop in Paris. I believe the money for her trip to buy these lovely handbags came from the US aid, which was marked for this important purpose. Well poor woman felt so thankless that the media concentrated on her handbags and not the contents! Yes Hina Khar is her name before I forget to mention. Moving cross a few seas it is noticeable that a same pattern has emerged in Syria and Ukraine as it did in Iraq. Dubya Bush Jr distinctly said there were WMDs in Iraq and the three stooges (OBomber, CaMoron and Sarkozy) said Gaddafi is the WMD against his own people. Well well, now it is pretty apparent that they were after the wells containing the crude. Forget all those bombs that is being dropped from 30,000 feet up to protect the civilians from the butcher Gaddafi!! BP, Exxon-Mobile, Chevron etc actually are supplying the aviation fuel to NATO bombers FOC it seems and also are contributing heavily into party funds in the US, to both Democrats & the Republicans. Why so? Now the admin with its EU cohorts is saying that Syrias Assad has killed almost 200,000 of his own people. And not the ISIS which these politicians created to oust Assad. At Ukraine, the separatists who oppose the Fascist govt at Kiev, an illegal entity headed by Petro Poroshenko, are called terrorists! Oh yes where does that leave the good old UN that is sitting pretty and is sitting pretty idle on the banks of the East River in New York like a castrated entity! It seems all paper work required to pass the mandate to bomb Libya back to stone-age were cleared and clearly manipulated by the three stooges! Anyway who cares about the world opinion of what is going on and what will go on as long as certain powers believe that Might is Right! The Right feels right about these invasions no doubt but the Left which is right in correctly assessing the actual reasons behind these invasions and will take Centre stage soon, I hope! Lastly locally Yeddi was made to resign sometime ago. His supporters I believe took out a procession clad only in their saffron chaddis and had promised stone throwing, burning buses, tearing down lamp posts till justice was done! Watch out for The March Of The Saffron Chaddi Brigade they had said. It never materialised.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 10:20:13 +0000

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