Attention: Egyptians Regarding: Egypt & Votes Dear fellow - TopicsExpress


Attention: Egyptians Regarding: Egypt & Votes Dear fellow Egyptians, God bless us all, you all. This is merely to re-assure you all, that all remains well, and, actually, to thank you all, congratulate you all, for the greatest diplomatic transition, that is not completed, but, near complete. No offense to General Si-Si, whom has prepared, and handed his resignation, to be a civilian, and, position himself, for the job title of, The Representative of Egypt, currently the title seems to remain as, President. Keep these words in mind, and heart, A Job, plus, learn the word President, because, the Prime-Minister, deals with internal matters, while the President, manages International matters. Meaning, I have yet to see, or hear General Si-Si, speak English, or, any other language, therefore, I wonder, how he shall be able to properly deal with International matters for Egypt, but, does not mean I not feel he best suited for the moment. Very sensitive times for us all, but, we, the youth, have been a near success, over 70% success from eradicating those corrupt people from the Old Calendar, even though many of them remain, as well as three decades of educating Egyptians, how to lie and be corrupt, even though they ( we ) have the best hearts, pure love, yet, people in Egypt, wondering, where the tourism is, or where the income from before is now, as many are struggling, well, in 2007, and 2009, and 2010, I personally did put forward, to ministers, among others, different types of industry income, in-case, we require in the future, the words then back to me was, Why should we, when we have tourism, and thats all we need. I warned those people, in Egyptian government then, these days shall come, and now, I still warn, and delegate to those, that were linked or know of those entities through other people, because, more or less, most remain in their jobs, while the most corrupt, have ran away, or held in prison, or, held, inside of their homes. Homes, that were paid for, with money that belongs to Egyptians. Anyhow, placing such matters aside, focus on today, May 2014. We, fellow Egyptians, are about to vote, Sabahy, or Sisi? Over 70% shall select SiSi, easily, legally, and, without hindrance. God Willing, yet, the things is, this now, may be, the first, true diplomatic votes, in Egypt, for a very long time. The thing is, personally speaking, if I ever had an Egyptian ID, I would vote, and, would vote for SiSi, but, something inside of my heart and mind, still tells me, Tantawy, is linked to SiSi, and, Tantawy, is linked to Susan Mubarak, and her husband and sons. Holding them on sentences in their homes, luxury homes, is not them being in prison. But this is about our votes, so, let us hope, the coming four years, is fruitful for everyone, because, General SiSi knows, he and others, have links with the Muslim Brotherhood, to the levels, they can, and have agreed to allow some of them, to go free, from their crimes, with a deal, of, if they ever need militia to fight and scare Egyptians, that they could try do, what Hosni did, and let people out of prisons, or give them secret approvals to go out, and scare the public. This a reason, my previous speech, stated such to SiSi, after his televised speech. Breathe.. Breathe.. is the best thing and advice I can say, and, with faith more than hope, to know, this should, the votes, should be one of best investments, on selecting an individual, to represent Egypt. I wish you all the best, and remain with you all today, in Cairo, Egypt. Congratulations, for keeping the peace, since 2011 January Revolution, and, how many years, through the turbulance, while past agreements from people like Honsi and Muslim Brotherhood, took over our lives, and was near minimal to nothing possible to do, apart from much that myself, and my specialists, as well as what ever positive any other Egyptian person has done, for peace, and, to keep us moving forward, with our heads held high. Make the right vote. Best regards, His Majesty King M. Hassan
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 22:27:58 +0000

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