Attention my Facebook friends. If you look down on Muslims or - TopicsExpress


Attention my Facebook friends. If you look down on Muslims or think that its ok to vilify an entire faith because of the actions of some idiots that claim to be members of that faith, please UNFRIEND ME NOW!! Im fine with that. In fact I BEG you to!! I am NOT your friend. I do NOT share your beliefs. And I do NOT support myopic, mean and ignorant position. Im a Christian, and proud to be one. I do not understand, nor agree with, many things in the Muslim faith (or any other faiths to be honest). But I respect it. And I have a LOT of Muslim friends. They are people of peace, love and tranquility. And they vehemently disapprove with the actions of these radicals and extremists. And to be honest, many of them are more disciplined in THEIR faith than we are in OURS. Im totally convinced that many of the huge MEGA-CHURCHES in the Charlotte area like Elevation, University Park, and even my own Transformation Church would see a TREMENDOUS and IMMEDIATE drop in membership if they did something as simple as enforce a minimal dress code of skirts for women and a jacket for men. In any large group, so will assuredly have a group of idiots. The few cant define the many. Much like throughout our history, people have killed, slaughtered, terrorized and harassed people in the name of Christianity. The KKK calls itself a Christian organization, I truly doubt you would find many people that agree with that, or would believe Jesus agrees with their beliefs and actions. Lets stop treating the innocent victims of the Muslim faith like they are to held accountable for the actions of strangers, just because theyre in the same religion. Heck, some of you dont even want to be held accountable for the stupid things your children do. AND YOU RAISED THEM. The Muslim religion though I do not agree with it, isnt a terrorist religion. They dont want to kill all Americans and people that disagree with them. They just want the right to believe as they want, just as we Christians do. In peace, love and harmony. We call ourselves Christians, than lets act like it. Show some love, compassion and warmth. Not hate, anger, and stupid ignorant rhetoric. Im tired of it. And I will NOT tolerate it on my timeline. If you dont like it, again, UNFRIEND me. I have 185 pending friend request. I promise. I will NOT miss you. But I will pray for you. God bless and dress well!
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 17:17:08 +0000

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