Aubrey Moeketsi I’m not a political analyst, neither - TopicsExpress


Aubrey Moeketsi I’m not a political analyst, neither a politician, nor a law student, No! i’m not even aspiring to be any of the afore mentioned . I’m just layman, an ordinary South African, who’s recently divorced from the ANC. The African National Congress, the party that I love, the party that I’d marry twice, the party that was hard in trenches fighting the regime of white devils who wanted to assassinate the self esteem of my people, the party that helped usher in Democracy. I don’t even need to state my reasons why I’m divorced from my beloved ANC. At the risk of sounding cliché – its common knowledge that the Zuma- ANC( or ZANC) has lost the plot, its nolonger the party its founders struggled and died for, its definitely not the ANC that Mandela was president of. Corruption is rife within the party, and it has reached alarming and uncontrolled rates. Large portions of the Land is still under the control of the minority, though we have a black government. The Economy and the wealth of the country is still controlled and enjoyed by a few, AND ITS NOT MY PEOPLE!!. The educational system is worse than ever. South Africa is still largely divided & we still have “white colonies” within the country, provinces that still practices extreme racism, arrogant white Afrikaners who still view my people as nothing but “ungrateful baboons and monkeys who benefited from the apartheid regime”, how ironic. And yet through all of this our black government is seemingly oblivious to all these issues that desperately scream for their attention. So yeah, I’m a divorcee………….. So where to from now? Who has won my heart? Well, is it the National Party?, Oops, I meant the ‘New Nation Party’…… *flip*, -its a typo- I meant the DA…… If I say that I hate Hellen Zille’s DA, that would be an understatement. Anyway, Since the ANC has failed our people, & since the DA is now the “official” opposition party, should we now black people vote in support of the DA? Is the DA the hope of South Africa? Is Hellen Zille the messiah South Africa is desperately waiting for? Will Zille be sympathetic to the plight of my people? How will she deal with racism still practiced by MOST White Afrikaners in the work places, farms and in Universities? Will her policies redress and address the ills that continue to bedevil black South Africans? More precisely, is Zille fully Cognizant of what our people really need? My last question; is the DA “black friendly “? Silly me, how could I ask such a question, the DA has black people as “influential” leaders within the party, So of cause it is……..em, really? is that really the case???? Is “Lendewe” or Mmusi Maimane real leaders or are they just well breed pawns that Hellen Zille carefully selected to entice naïve black people? THE ANSWER IS NO! No, DA is not “black friendly “, never was and will never be, we don’t need to even give them a chance in government to prove this. Look at what is happening in Cape town, just look at the municipalities that are run by the DA, compare service delivery in those municipalities and service delivery in Cape Town, Cape Town, which by the way is a perfect example of “white colonies ” ruled and run by the whites within South Africa. Some people feel that the real reason why most blacks are not willing to give DA a chance in power is because we’re scared that Mrs Zille might just bring back Apartheid in SA, well heres the deal, Hellen Zille does not posses the power nor the means to pull that through, even if she did, she’d have sealed the fate of all white South Africans & their offsprings in Blood, for that would definitely spark a deadly racial-civil war in which blood will run “knee high” and it wouldn’t be Ours. You know that the Japanese haven’t really forgiven the Americans for the Atomic Bomb that decimated Hiroshima. I think its laughable to even conceive such a thought. By the way, does anyone know what happened to those white racists who religiously supported and kept the DA/National Party in power for all those long excruciating years ? Are they extinct?does anybody know? Interesting! Anyway….. I used to say that if I had a choice between the DA and the FF+, that i’d definitely vote for the FF+, precisely because at least I know what i’m getting myself into, nothing they do or implement will ever catch me off- guard. So for black people to keep voting and supporting the NATIONAL PARTY-commonly known as the DA, is an insult to the spirits of great leaders like Robert Sobukwe, Chris Hanni and many more who died in trenches, fighting the regime founded and sustained for as long as it lasted by the National Party-today known as the DA. So, since the DA has terribly failed to impress me, who then has won my affections? Is it Cope, Hell NO!!! Who then?… Well, wonder no more….!!! I have found myself new “lover” (NO- HOMO). He’s charismatic, a great orator, careless sometimes but always on point, he does not beat through the bushes, he is a straight talker, clear and very coherent in his demands and wishes. I have found myself a new home, new family in ECONOMIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS (EFF). A movement that shares my beliefs……….. Why EFF, you ask!!! Well; 1st, of all, for as long as the leadership structure of the ANC remains, I will never ever “go back home”. For me to ‘cum ba ya’, it will mean that they gonna have to uproot and get rid of every rotten potatoes in the sack, beginning with the President, down to Gwede Mantashe, all incompetent “ministers” – all the municipality and branch leaders who serve their cursed pockets at the expense of the poor. Any chance of that happening? (in the next life possibly ). 2ndly, unlike most of my black brothers and sisters who suffer from a serious AMNESIA and aforementioned illness called “JULIOZIMGABEPHOBIA”, though I have ‘forgiven’, I haven’t forgotten what Hellen Zille’s predecessors had done to my people in our own Land, and needles to say that a large majority of whites in SA still practices racism. Critical question: What is ‘JULIOZIMGABEPHOBIA’? well, in a nutshell, it is an unrealistic,wimpiness and quibbling Fear that Julius Malema, once in power, will single handedly turn our beloved South Africa into a Zimbabwe. Of cause this has always been the fear of most South Africans since the Dawn of freedom in South Africa, and never has been a time in our history that this fear has been more possible to materialize than now with the formation of the EFF. This unrealistic Phobia seems to be affecting almost everybody in SA, blacks, whites, Indians, & Colords. This fear is However interpreted differently between the races; to White South Africans, it means that its D-day, they have to pack and go back home since we gonna be taking back Land their forefathers stole from our ancestors. but for most blacks, particularly the “middle class”, it means that we will take their “precious white people” away from them , ‘since they are the ones with money’, thereby dooming us all. Forget Colords and Indians, they always go with the winning team. If you breakdown the term JULIOZIMGABEPHOBIA, you get three distinct names that make up this ‘new’ word; Julius Malema, Zimbabwe & Robert Mugabe. Now these three to many naïve black South Africans & Africans in general, to them these three represent nothing but total failure and bad examples we best not follow if we are to thrive. Julius Malema: Julius Malema to me represent resiliency and a fighting spirit that is to be admired by all. He is a fearless leader/fighter who exudes inspiring confidence. While everybody is trying to sound ‘politically correct’, Julius Malema never sugar-coats anything, he address publicly issues that many choose to murmur about when its safe to do so….. Of cause he has been a subject of scrutiny and mockery in SA & abroad, fact that he cannot articulate himself fluently in English, which by the way is the language of our white masters and not our own. SARS and questionable corruption charges againt him, etc. through all of these, fighter Julius Malema managed to pull through and stand tall as a leader and fighter. People who continue to underestimate Julius Malema, need to understand this simple truth; Julius Malema is supported by people on the ground, hungry people, unemployed and angry people. People cheated out of the SOUTH AFRICAN DREAM, folk forgotten by their own black government. These are people who actually make or break governments. Its no secret that people who feel offended, & somewhat “threatened” by Julius Malema’s charisma is and has always been the so called “black middle-class” South Africans. The black middle class South Africans already have comfortable lives, they have “white friends” and basically are ok with how things are. To people on the ground Freedom and all these petty stuff means nothing to them for as long as they are expected to live the way they do now. To them its like we’re all in ‘third-world Africa’, but its them who gets to fully experience the harshness of this reality. Zimbabwe & Robert Mugabe: If you know anything about African history, particularily Zimbabwe’s history, you will know that Zimbabwe had a stable economy and was once was known as the “jewel” of Africa. Rich in raw materials (still is),and productive farmlands, it grew enough food to feed its people and export the rest. So what happened? What caused the economy of Zimbabwe to collapse in such a freefall? European media is quick to tell you that none other than Robert Mugabe is to blame, that he single handedly brought Zimbabwe to its knees. Among the issues usually cited are Mugabe’s land policies, endemic corruption, absence of the rule of law, and other ill-conceived economic policies. Of course Mugabe is no saint, and I think that we can all agree that honorable Mugabe needs to step down. Alot of what the biased western media is saying about him holds true. HOWEVER, western countries and media almost collectively ignore one other significant factor responsible for the country’s economic collapse:ECONOMIC SANCTIONS imposed by the US, the EU, and Australia against Zimbabwe. We all know that as soon as Mugabe touched farms owned by the descendants of british colonisers in Zimbabwe, then there was trouble. What has caused the current situation in Zimbabwe cannot sorely be blame on Mugabe, western imperialsm is a huge part of the problem. The message is clear, any Africa economy that seeks to thrive, needs to learn from Zimbabwe, because if we, in anyway faulter as they did, then we too will share the same fate of Zimbabwe, and many South Africans are scared of this. Africans cannot keep allowing western countries to keep doing this to us. We have to understand that we are on our own, and nobody, no country, no race has Africa’s best interest at heart. Robert Mugabe is one of the great leaders Africa has produced, most, if not all African leaders are a bunch of “Lindiwes and Mmusi Maimanes “, puppets and sickening cowards who are an embarrassment to us all. Its infuriating and insulting to think that well within 17 years of our democracy, that the minority in SA still controll large portions of land, and that the wealth of south africa is not enjoyed by all as envision by the freedom charter……. Our people are still treated like slaves and peasants on the farms owned by racist afrikaners, in the land of their forefathers. There is no greater insult that that one. These are issues among others, that the ANC failed monumentally to effectively address. Under the EFF, we have a chance to finally take the destiny of our country into our own hands, & we cannot let character assassinations scare us, “asijiki” Come next year, EFF will be contesting elections, and my vote is with the EFF. “The formation of the Economic Freedom Fighters movement is therefore not the decision of Julius Malema, Floyd Shivambu or Kenny Kunene. It is the better, alternative voice of South Africans who are fed up with living without hope that things will ever change for the better.” -Kenny Kunene ” This is one of, if not the central fear of the ruling class in South Africa: the threat of civil war (or violence) on racial terms; unfortunate as it may be, and by default it follows that racial violence also remains the threatening factor of our current societal cohesion. And leaders of the working class (such as Jim) are dispersed, isolated or inferiorated when they reject these state policies that do not alter the life of their constituencies.” - Mbuyiseni Ndlozi (From Cronin and Jim to Decolonization) 1 hour ago near Johannesburg,
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 18:21:46 +0000

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