Audrey finally woke up. A hand held her wrists above her head, - TopicsExpress


Audrey finally woke up. A hand held her wrists above her head, while the other slowly caressed her face. Her body was rigid, legs splayed. There was pressure in her throat and she couldnt breathe. It took longer than it should have for her to realize she was screaming. Cold sweat pooled on her brow, and mingled with the tears tracing wet trails down her cheeks. William wiped them away with his thumb, eyes fixed on hers as he whispered sweet, reassuring nothings into the darkness of the room. The moon was bright, throwing a blue glow throughout the Kings chambers. A shadow was cast across half of her partners face, but just that tear-blurred silhouette was enough to calm her breathing. Despite being awake, she was still largely unresponsive, just staring up at William with those dewy green doe-eyes, blinking through the tears. Things were silent now, save for her hitching breaths and his murmurs of consolation. With every flutter of her eyelids, she could see her dreams. Not much more than flickers and vague ideas of the episode, but the dream was still fresh in her mind. The fear stayed, but the memory was slowly leaving her. She remembered blood, so much blood, and pain. Not only in her own body. She could feel the suffering in the air like a coming storm. The world was black, and she was running, unable see where she was going. She stepped, dashing full force, and her foot was met with air. Before she could cry out, she was falling, but something caught her. It felt soft at first, like an embrace, until she began to grow cold. The hold tightened. The air was being squeezed from her lungs by twisting tendrils of metal, slicing into her skin and grinding into her bones. Pressure was building behind her eyes, and inside of her ears. She was helpless, alone, and dying. Bleeding out. Slowly going comatose. Thats when the dream ended, the King shaking her awake. Audrey didnt know how long she had been screaming before he woke her, or how long he had been trying to, but her throat was sore and dry. His hand, gentle against her thin wrists to keep her from thrashing, slowly released as she finally began to respond. A soft, hoarse William, drifted from her lips like smoke and died in the air. He planted a kiss on her cold forehead before taking his place beside her. Im here, Audrey, he said quietly, wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her closer. He nestled his face into her neck, and pressed his lips to the junction of her shoulder. Go back to sleep. Sufficiently comforted, with the memory of her dream fading fast, Audrey allowed her eyes to close and savored his warmth as she slowly slipped back into sleep. Williams warmth followed her there, but it didnt stay for long. Somewhere beneath her in the darkness, she heard the creaking of metal. // i tried??????? idk who wants to read this half-asleep garbage ill probably end up deleting when i wake up so im just tagging the relevant people if you know of anyone who may want to read this, tag them if you wanna
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 06:19:23 +0000

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