August 28th 2013 The Legacy of Dr. Martin’s Luther King Jr.’s - TopicsExpress


August 28th 2013 The Legacy of Dr. Martin’s Luther King Jr.’s I Have Dream lies inside us. It’s up to US to take responsibility for our actions. Every day we have an opportunity to grow—to become better than we were yesterday. We all know the good things in life—the right way to be. We all come short of those ideals but it’s essential that we keep trying. Every we time we criticize another person we are releasing jealousy, anger and hatred in the world. The way we express ourselves in our actions and words do matter. Our scope of influence is incalculable. On the other hand, every time we express love and understanding and compassion we shed a light into the world. And yet we must also shine a light onto the darkness of the world without an intention of malice—which is the definition of gossip. I don’t read people’s comments on youtube or my own Facebook page because petty and small-minded people often verbally attack those who are trying to put good out there. Many of my own friends have even questioned my intentions. I choose not to read these comments because people’s criticisms affect me and hurt me very deeply—that is only human. Instead I choose to consistently try to put good out there even if some people choose to criticize me for it. I seek to shed light in the darkness, endure my circumstances as patiently as possible (which I readily admit is an ongoing effort and choice I have to make every day), and find joy and gratitude in the midst of struggles. I put on my status things that I think matter. As Martin Luther King Jr. said you start dying when you stop talking about what matters. Before you criticize others, look at yourself. We are all hypocrites unintentionally and that’s one reason judging other’s is so silly and futile. Let’s be the example instead of the condemner. Let’s be a leader of good. Let’s do what’s right even if it’s not the popular thing to do. Let’s give back to our community. Let’s be a member of a non for profit organization. Les’s raise awareness for the good things being done in our world and not just the bad being done in our world. Let’s work on our character. Let’s work on HOW we say things. Let’s measure our words with kindness for others. Let’s say the truth without malice. Let’s SPEAK THE TRUTH and SEEK the truths and fight for the things that matter. Let’s do what we can to treat everyone as equals. Let’s care about the depth of someone’s heart and not measure their weight or height as any real gage of worth. Let’s help people out when and where we can. Let’s give more than we get. Let’s find humor in our darkest moments and peace in the midst of chaos. As Helen Keller said, “I will not let the fact that I cannot do everything stop me from doing the one thing I CAN DO.” So let’s DO what we can where we can, when we can. I am not perfect but by God my intention is to love everyone with a pure, unconditional love. To find understanding for people who I feel have wronged me--to make things less personal. To keep get every time I fall and keep trying every time I fail: learning from my mistakes so that I may do better next time. There are so many ways we can build character. We each have unlimited abilities and possibilities for doing good. I need to do this more at work. I feel wronged by certain individuals but if I look at it from their perspective it makes more sense. There are different ways of looking at things. To love people we often have to work to see things their way. Let’s be the dream. Let’s answer God’s call. Let’s learn. Let’s grow. Let’s evolve. Let’s dream. Let’s believe. Let’s love.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 01:05:02 +0000

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