August 29, 2014 Garrick F. Queen Mother Tiye: Strong African - TopicsExpress


August 29, 2014 Garrick F. Queen Mother Tiye: Strong African Womanhood So, there is the movie in the works by Ridley Scott, the guy who brought us Gladiator, which depicts life in Kemet during the reign of Ramses II (roughly 1230 B.C.E.). This story is about the alleged “Exodus” of the Haribu (Hebrews) from KMT into what they called the “promised land”. The Torah is not a history book and never should have been considered as one. That book, as most other “holy books” sometimes use historical figures to tell stories and were written during a period in time where that vast majority of humanity was illiterate and needed to use pictures and images to get their messages conveyed. Placing the story of the mythical Moses into its proper historical context would take a full blown review of the 19th dynasty at least, but would also need a review of the 18th dynasty as well. Why is this important? Moses has largely been credited with delivering “his” people out of captivity in KMT and reintroducing them to a concept of monotheism. Part of that re-introduction involved 10 commandments which were to be followed as the laws of God Jehovah. But again, turning to the 18th dynastic period, we find Amenhotep IV, or Akhenaton, as he changed his name ruling around 1400 B.C.E almost 200 years earlier who attempted a similar re-examination for his people, his nation as well. As pharaoh, Amenhotep IV, instituted a change in Kemetic spirituality by removing the various aspects and manifestations of the omnipotent and unseen creator, Amen, who was personified as the “setting sun” (as opposed to Khepri, the rising, regenerated one, and dung beetle and Ra (Re), the perched sun and giver of life) to the sun-diak Aton. He changed his name form Amenhotep IV (which literally meant the “Giver of Life who Comes in Peace) to Akhenaton. This move towards the unification of the personification of “God” into a single illustration is typically seen as the first act of monotheism in the world. That’s a bit of an oversimplification, as numerous scholars have pointed out including Wayne B. Chandler in his essay Of God’s and Men: Egypt’s Old Kingdom where argued that Akhenaton made this move out of political reasons and in an attempt to consolidate the religious teachings coming from the various high priests who began to “exert way too much influence” in his opinion and used his position as pharaoh to address the issue. At any rate, while there is no record, outside of the rabbinical drafters of the Torah to the existence of a mythical figure named “Moses” (no skeletal remains, no books, no tesxt, no stelae, no carvings, no etchings, is the case with most Old Testament stories) there are records of a historical figure called “Moshe”. This Moshe lived during the time of Akhenaton in a place called Tel el Armana (by the Arabs). He was reportedly the high priest in the region who actually sided with Akhenaton and was one of the leading voices in guiding the transition. Our history, Nile valley history, can still be found in the limestone, on the walls, and the tombs, and the crypts and temples. Everybody can’t make that claim. But in any sense, if folks must turn back to the “Holy Scripture” for guidance, they can turn to the Book of Acts, Chapter 7, verse 22 and read that “Moses was learned in all of the wisdom of the Egyptians”. So either using logic and data or make-believe, any story that accurately deals with Moses must deal with Akhenaton (I will leave the 42 admonitions to Ma’at and the 10 commandments for another post). And now we can finally get to the picture attached to this post. Akhenaton, Amenhotep IV, like all pharaohs and other African rulers before him and since have all gained their position either through their matrilineal bloodline of coup (hence turning quickly to Kemetic cosmogony, the reason Heru (Hor, Horus) was granted the right to rule the living over his Uncle Set (Seth, Seth-Typhon) even as Set was mightier. Heru’s right was based on his mother Aset’s (Isis) right.) In Akhenaton’s case, there was no coup, and his right was granted because of his mother, the woman pictured below-Queen Mother Tiye. She served as Queen Mother alongside her husband, Amenhotep III, at the height of Kemet’s military power. If we let the white supremacists keep telling our stories, they will write us right out of the history books. Through a series of mental gymnastics, lies, distortions, and half-truths they have worked and re-worked the history of Kemetic civilization to find and place any and every group at the center of Kemetic civilization. They have trotted out a mythical red race, a mythical race of Aryans from central and south Africa, aliens from outer space, Libyans, mixed-breeds from the Western Steppes, Indo-Europeans, Berbers, and Semites. And in the course of telling these lies they sometimes come to the conclusion that even having “dark skin, wooly hair, thick lips, and noses” doesn’t make you phrenologically African. If you asked one of them, like Champollion the Younger, Maspero, or any of the more base racists among them they would have you believe this ancient ancestor is Indo-European or Mixed. This woman is the mother of the man largely credited with kicking off “monotheism” and putting in motion the whole chain of events that would have even lead to a mass “Exodus” (which if it actually occurred would have been painted on a wall or etched into a tablet somewhere along the Nile Valley). This movie coming out is going to the have a handful of darkies cast in the usual slave and butler roles (we still can’t get past that, I wonder if the 12 Years Still a Slave crowd is on this one too) but that’s what happens when our enemies tell our stories (a “friend” wouldn’t tell a lie on you, I’m just saying). But ya’ll tell me, this woman look white to ya’ll? By the way, this is King Tuts grandmother....
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 19:22:15 +0000

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