Auric advantage! What is an aura? An aura is an egg like shaped - TopicsExpress


Auric advantage! What is an aura? An aura is an egg like shaped atmosphere of electromagnetic energy that surrounds and is generated by all matter, though life auras are a lot different to that of a rocks. The aura is often accompanied by new age medicine techniques for healing with energy. The aura that surrounds every living being can reflect thoughts, emotions, and connectedness, what kind of person they are and of course much more! This aura changes with time. What can you do to see the etheric body/divine plane? *First layer of an aura* Most people can see it with only a little practice. It is the forerunner of the aura, but of a coarser consistency. One way to see it is to get a willing partner to extend a bare arm. Have their fingers outspread a few inches away from some neutral or black background. Look towards the arm and the fingers, not directly at it, but towards it. Youll soon find there is a particular knack at focusing on the background through your fingers, but seeing them with your peripheral vision. Close to the skin will be seen a bluish or grayish haze that will extend from 1/8 of an inch to maybe 6 inches from the body. Relax and dont strain the process, and pretty soon youll see there really is something there. Now the second level or the emotional layer? The emotional layer of the aura extends about one to three inches from the body this is the field that holds emotions and feelings. The colours are usually a bright rainbow combination. When negative emotional blocks are present, this field can appear gross and ugly. Problems in the aura will have a negative impact at some point in the first and third layers. With this layer when you are willing to see it you must try a little bit harder than you did for the first but in time you will find it! There are 7 known aura levels each with a different impact on the organisms life, if your own energy flow is blocked (chakras/aura/energy/etc..) then this may inflect on your psychic abilities. So remember to find a way to channel your negative emotions out of the body. Now ask more questions people, ask yourself if I have said anything within this post that intrigues you or you don’t understand and I will answer it!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 07:53:46 +0000

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