Automatic Writing – June 9, 2013 "co-creation" messages Yes - TopicsExpress


Automatic Writing – June 9, 2013 "co-creation" messages Yes we’re here. Good evening dear Paula. We Elders bring messages from The Almighty. We have been tasked with helping to “enlighten” the Masses on a number of levels. The most crucial being re-building the “connection” with Spirit, that so many seem to have lost. Some have lost this connection by choice, and some by circumstances “beyond their control,” or due to situations that occurred around or with themselves. Know that even though many have had deeply disappointing and heartrending circumstances in their lives, it has STILL ultimately been their choice. As you well know, these choices for life circumstances and life lessons are made by each and every “soul energy” before incarnating in the physical. Despite this, many are able to move “beyond” these pre-selected issues. Sometimes by going through such hardship once, and having learned that lesson, they “move on” so to speak and past that pre-decided upon path. Many success stories of those born in hardship are tremendous examples of overcoming adversity. Even if that adversity had been a part of their self-decided life lesson plan. So you see dear Paula, we Elders are using these examples to get the simple message across using different scenarios that lead to the same inescapable conclusion: “Thoughts are things.” Your thoughts mandate HOW you progress through life. Your thoughts MANIFEST your reality. Through this means, your circumstances can change by applying one’s self to IMAGINING if you will that very REALITY that you desire. This of course is followed by “right action” to help bring it about. However the “Thoughts are things” edict is nevertheless quite true. You see we Elders are attempting to get across the very concept we have seen so many do naturally. They hold in their minds eye that which they desire. They don’t allow anyone to dissuade them from their goal. They hold fast to their “vision” of what they desire to manifest. They do daily “affirmations” that support the positive thinking manifestations. And so it is, and then it becomes their reality. This is easier to do than many think. It works like this on our side as well. Whatsover you shall think, so it is, or becomes. In the blink of an eye, someone can change their appearance, travel wherever they like, see whomever they desire to see. It truly is THAT easy in the eternal afterlife dimension of “No Time.” And so this lesson can be transmitted for the many “suffering the delusion” of lack, or suffering in the physical plane of the Earth to allow them to see the possibilities, and to see that indeed each and every individual is a “co-creator” with The Almighty. It is time to allow one’s self the “luxury” of co-creating GOOD in their lives, and in the lives of those around them with the positive ripple effect. We challenge you to put it to the test. Try it. You have nothing to lose by doing so. We will close with this for tonight’s messages, and bid you good night. We are The Elders. Elohim.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 14:18:05 +0000

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