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Available on wattpad. DEMIGODS UNITED. Chapter 4 TON. Why on earth would someone help an intruder? They would do it only if they were plotting against the team they belonged. Ton kept thinking as he followed the angry young man Lorenzo and his unbelievable, huge army of five people including Lorenzo and Ton himself. I dont think its a good idea guys. Ton said climbing the hill very slowly. Im tiered already. Shut up and hurry Ton. Lorenzo flared with anger. We can do this tomorrow dude. Ton said looking at the trees. Its already getting dark. I wonder how Neo climbs this hill three times a day. Laura picked up a broken piece of stick from under a tree and was using it as a walking stick. She must be having a lot of nectar and ambrosia every day. Gayu mumbled walking faster. The hill always looked a normal one. It seemed easier to climb when you would look at it from a distance. But now Ton realized that this hill was enchanted. The more you climbed, the more it pushed you down. Ton was feeling tiered and yet he hadnt climbed half of the hill till now. It was a long way to go. He wondered about how Garfield had said that Ritwik and Vidhi were Neos friends. Did they climbed this hill every day to meet her. Didnt they got tiered? Apart from the hill, Ton was worried about something else.... something about which Brian had told everyone. Neo! Ton was worried and feeling scared to meet her. Brian had spread the story in the camp that Neo was a witch. Dont go to the hills ..... she will petrify you. Brians voice echoed in Tons head. Ton had seen Neo before but he had never talked to her. The fact that made Brians words real for Ton was that Neo was exceptionally beautiful.... and Ton.... was scared or maybe annoyed of beautiful girls. Ton had a story about how he had successfully rescued himself from a group of beautiful girls. Yea!!!! Beautiful girls!!! And Neo reminded him of those beautiful girls. Beautiful by face and.... someone else from inside. Ton had joined the camp two years ago. He still remembered how he had found his way to the camp. He could never forget the day that changed his life. Ton lived alone. Actually he lived with an old man, his grandfather. He had never known his parents properly. His father was taken away by god when he was three years old. Since then Ton had lived with his grandfather. Talking about his mother, he never found out who was his mother until discovered that he was a demigod. Ton went to school every day. But often, he helped his grandfather in his work. His grandfather had always told him that one day his life would change and Ton would leave him to go away. Ton never understood what his grandfather meant but by now he had realized that someday he had to somewhere and after that he wont meet his grandfather ever. And.... the day came soon..... It was a stressful day in school, too many homeworks, quizzes, and exams. Ton didnt even realized that it t was twilight until he saw the moon aglow above the amber trail of the sun. The scene made Ton feel relaxed with the criysp wind of December blowing past his face. He was a gentleman for good people. He greeted the guard goodbye as he stepped out of the institution. Ton had his own ride for traveling. A jeepney! He was on his way to home. Glancing to the passing buildings, he remembered to pay for the trip. As he gave his fare, four teenage girls were staring at him deadly... with the other one biting her lips. Alright! Ton thought. He was creeped out. He carefully went out of the jeepney immediately into a sparsely popuated part of the city, then he noticed the four girls were following him. He walked faster but no use. Ton felt as if they might be thinking to participate in the olympics for racing but that wasnt true. When has his luck supported him? It wasnt even there with ton when the girl he loved the most had left him for being with someone else. And he trusted his bad luck so much that he knew no help would appear to help him. Finally he stopped getting pissed off. Who are you all and what do you want? He asked them. One of the beauties stepped ahead scanning him from head to toe. Me and my friends, she nodded at the girls behind her. find you very.... interesting. The girls behind her started laughing. Dont play with the food. Were hungry. One of them said smiling viciously. Ton felt as if they were already eating him. He shivered. Im sorry but... ton said looking at them. Im not that delicious. The girl in front raised an eyebrow DEMIGODS... she almost whispered are the most delicious Oh ton squealed with delightness then Im lucky! Because I aint a demidog The girls looked angry now. DEMIGODS!!! one of them hissed not a dog you fool Whatever ladies ton tried to handle but Im sure youve got the wrong man. That was enough. The girls started hissing at each other. They werent looking beautiful or hot or cute or pretty or whatsoever anymore. Err.. ton had a feeling that his good luck was again on his bad side. Im getting late... my girlfriend awaits for me he said it, although he didnt had any. The next scene... ton didnt like it. They all transformed into hideous looking creatures with sharp fangs hanging as if to puncture someone. Ton mentally made a note that if he survives today, he isnt going to marry any beautiful girl ever. Their feet were made out of brass and their hair was blazing crimson. He was dumbfounded on what he saw. They started to encircle him as if he were their prey, it lasted for a couple of minutes until the first monster hurled at him. Having a weak body and a not-so-impressive reflexes, they smashed him to a nearby tree. He hung on the tree weaponless. They threw him to the ground like a kid throwing a toy. Ton wailed in agony as he felt some of his bones were twitched or broken apart. Then, the monster picked him up and dragged him. Ton weakly looked into its eyes with a mixture of rage and agony. He could feel his sweat pour amidst the cool temperature. Trees were swaying to the course of the wind. Ton wanted to kill them for being so cruel and monstrous to not only him but for everything theyve eaten till now. He focused his attention on how to defeat these monsters around him. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes in exhaustion, he felt that the beautiful monster was about to bore her fangs through his skin. It alarmed ton immediately and he was forced to open his eyes. He could hear a continuous nnnnnnnn sound that most likely have deafen him a bit. He saw the monster in front of him, screeching in pain. Ton was astonished with what he was doing. The trees were helping him. The vines were helping him. He focused more and the sound was elevating to a pitch that absolutely deafened him. He concentrated at the monster and she cried her last voice as she dissolved into dust. The other monsters were frightened with what he did. Cowardly, they ran for their lives. Ton was bruised, blood dripping from his mouth. He collapsed in exhaustion. He felt vines surrounding him but he felt safer having them around. Finally he was completely covered with vines. He was falling asleep. Those vines made him warm and peaceful. His eyes were finally shut and he felt like a baby in his mothers protection. When he woke up, he was in a different place. Two heads were right above his face, peering at him. Shhh... Renzo youll wake him up Shut up Raina..he slept for a week. How long will he sleep?? Im tired of my daily duty. Ton looked up at the two faces. One was girl and one was boy. Hey!!! The boy squealed with delight yelling at ton. Im Renzo Dawn. Ton felt like killing him. I heard that now will you shut up? The girl pushed renzo away who looked quite hurt. Hello the girl said. my name is Raina Islam. Weve been appointed to look after you. How do you feel? Ton shifted slightly and Renzo helped him to get up and sit. Welcome to camp demigods united Renzo said smiling at ton. Raina checked his temperature, gave to a piece of ambrosia to ea and after an hour of proper checkup, ton was declared fit by Raina and Renzo. The two were the head of the infirmary. Every patient there was supposed to meet either of them to get in or out of the infirmary. After that ton was taken to the head of the camp, Brian. There he had met his mother. Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, fertility, sacred law and the harvest. It took Ton some time digest the truth but... he did. Demeter had told him that she was sorry for not being able to be with him... but she had always been around him.. in form of trees. Trees!!!!! Ton looked around as he climbed the hill very slowly. It was full of trees. He could summon the roots.. Ton looked ahead. Laura was still walking with her walking stick. Gayu was walking between Lorenzo and Justin, holding their hands for support. Guys Im warning. Ton gulped thinking about beautiful girls. Shell eat us. Well Lorenzo said breathing heavily. Ill offer her you first.... who knows if her stomach is full... after that she might tell the truth with.... added details. Ton shivered at the thought. He imagined himself sitting in a corner in a room and Neo standing in front. Ill eat you with extra pepper. She said staring at him like a mad woman. I hate pepper. Ton yelled. He was suddenly electrified with energy and he ran ahead to catch up with laura. Laura looked at him. You really dont want to be eaten, do you? She said picking up another stick. Never. Ton said looking behind him. He was worried that Neo might come from behind and drag him. So keep your mouth shut! Laura balanced herself with the two sticks in both her hands and used them as her support to walk ahead. Or... I dont know about Neo but Justin will surely eat you. Ton looked upwards. Justin was helping Gayu to walk ahead and climb the hill. A stupid thought struck his dumb head. Justin liked Neo, right? And... they all were going up to the hut to meet Neo.. So... What if Justin was taking them up to the hut purposely so Neo could eat them? And with the current chaos going in the camp campus, nobody would find out where did they disappeared. Brian would think that these trouble makers were eaten up by monsters because they were playing pranks on them. Ton shuddered with the thought. After all he knew how much Justin liked Neo. Hed seen the demo early in the morning. Justin had given him a bed bath, just for calling out Neos name because he was having a dream about her. She was with a dog.... the worst omen. And that dream..... was now a reality. Neo... Ton thought. She had the worst omen with her.... Oh gods!!!!!! Was she a monster.... about to eat the whole campers one by one?? No!!!! Ton said mentally. I will protect my camp. I will crush her.... the roots... he remembered how the wines had helped him. Even now they would help him. So.... his plan was done. Ton walked faster now. He wanted to crush Neo, the beautiful monster before she could garnish him with pepper. When he reached beside Lorenzo and Justin. Gayu looked at him. You look like a murdered. She said with wide eyes. What have you been doing? Thinking. Ton said bravely. Overthinking is bad for health. Justin said walking on the other side of Gayu. Ton shuddered. You want us to be eaten by a monster? Justin sighed looking ahead. Maybe. He said dismissively. I knew it. Ton said enthusiastically. You want us to go up there so Neo can have a proper dinner. Wait! Lorenzo looked very confused. Why would Neo get a dinner if we go up there? Shell eat us. Ton said as if it was a matter of fact. Wont she? Shes a witch. This is what happens if you listen to Brian and then jump to conclusions without even trying to know the truth. Justin said gritting his teeth. Ton could feel the anger radiating from Justin. Ton! Lorenzo said chuckling softly. Its a free advice .... keep your mouth shut or... he looked at Justin and burst with laughter. Gayu giggled and Laura sat on the ground laughing hard. At this point, even Justin was trying to hide his smile but he failed. Ton felt confused. What did I do? Why are you all laughing? Ton! Gayu said smiling at him. Neo isnt a witch. Yes Laura stood up still laughing. Shes an angelic witch. But whats the difference? Ton looked at their faces. Youll see. Lorenzo walked ahead pulling Gayu with him. Justin and Laura high fived still laughing and followed Lorenzo and Gayu. Ton still felt uncomfortable. He looked behind him again but nobody was there. He looked at the trees but nothing seemed abnormal or weird. Apart from the enchanted hills pressure which was pushing him down, everything was fine. Can she be different from the beautiful monsters he met years ago? Are you coming? Lauras sudden voice made him shiver. Sure. Ton moved ahead trying hard not to think about being garnished with pepper. By the time they reached the hill top... Gayu was sitting cross legged, asking for nectar. Lorenzo and Justin were stretching their arms and legs. Lauras walking sticks were broken and she looked sad about it. Thanks for the help. Laura said to the sticks holding and staring at them. Theyre sticks. Ton said in disbelief. I always thank for whatever I have and whatever I get. Laura left the sticks on the ground. Mother used to say... if youre grateful for something ..... it increases. So.... Ton frowned. You want more sticks? Help! Laura protested. I thanked for help not sticks. Cmon! Lorenzo interrupted their lovely chat. Were going in. We cant just walk inside. Gayu said getting up. She looked very tiered. Shes inside... at least knock? Everyone looked at Lorenzo. Whos in favor of a knock? He said crossing his arms. First Gayu... then Justin... then.. Laura... the three raised their hands in favor of a knock. Lorenzo looked at Ton. Ton didnt want to burst inside a girls hut just like that.. what if she got angry and ate him up??? With extra pepper... Ton raised his hand and Lorenzo shrugged. Knock the door. Lorenzo said looking annoyed by getting outnumbered. Gayu approached the doors of the hut and Laura followed her. The three boys stood a little away from the hut and this made Ton to wonder if Justin and Lorenzo were afraid that Neo might eat them with extra pepper too. But he kept his amazing thoughts to himself. Gayu knocked the door. No response. She looked behind at Lorenzo. Burst in! He mouthed. No! Justin protested. Knock again. He said in a low voice. Gayu faced the door and took a deep breath. This time she knocked the door toughly which boomed very loudly. Ton took some steps backwards. Coming! Neos low voice made Ton shiver. The door opened with a creak. Ton shifted towards Justin and Lorenzo. Neo stood at the door wearing a very short shorts and a small cotton top. She was quite short and looked like a fourteen year old even though she was nineteen. This is why Vidhi and Ritwik were her friends, Ton thought staring at her... because they found her similar to their age group and Ritwik and Vidhi were in their mid teens. Ton didnt found Neo threatening in any way. In fact, he realized that instead of him, Neo might be the one who needed protection. She was looking around the hut and frowning. Last time I stepped out.. Neo said looking around. These roots werent here. Ton looked around and noticed that his trustworthy roots were snaking around the hill top, everywhere. He flicked his fingers and they dived back to the ground. Hehehe Ton said innocently as everyone glared at him. Security measures. Neo looked startled. Security from what? She asked softly. Err... Ton gulped. There was an attack on Vincent... so.. I want to be safe... Lorenzo cleared his throat to grab everybodys attention. Hey Neo he said awkwardly. Hey Neo said staring at all of them. So you want my help for the security thing? No no no!! Gayu said stepping forward. We... wanted to talk to you about something. Its... important. Ton looked at Justin. He didnt understand why was Justin suddenly busy with a chameleon which was jumping around his leather boots. Talk to me? Neo asked raising an eyebrow. Whats wrong with you all? You people look .... as if youve been running. Ton looked at all of them and realized Neo was right. Gayus hairs were scattered. She looked miserable. Justins leather jacket was ripped from one side. Lorenzo had a scratch on his left cheek and Laura looked as if shes been working for ages without any break. We climbed the hill. Laura said straightening her top. Well... its getting cold ... Neo said staring at Gayu, who was shivering slightly. And dark too... Yea Ton said looking around. Surely it was dark and cold. The last inch of the red sun was settling. Can we come in? Lorenzo asked putting his arm around Gayu protectively. Neo thought for a while. Sure. She said moving aside. Gayu was the first to get inside followed by Lorenzo and Laura. Ton looked at Justin. He was still playing the chameleon which Ton couldnt see. Are you gonna do that all night? Ton asked. Justin looked up. Ton couldnt see if was blushing or not but he had a feeling that Justin was blushing. Justin didnt say anything but he walked past Neo. Neo! She was still standing staring at Ton. Ton gulped. He smiled sheepishly at Neo. Coming? Neo asked. No!! Ton said mentally but he nodded and walked inside. Move inside. Ton said to Justin, who had entered before him. Youre blocking the way. Were already inside. Gayu said from somewhere ahead. It was completely dark. Ton wasnt able to see anything. A creaking sound told him that the door behind him was shut and Neo was standing behind him. Ritwik. Neos voice said behind him in the dark. Lights blinded Tons eyes. He covered his eyes with his hands. When he looked around. He couldnt believe what he saw. The hut had just one room. Just one room!!!! The ceiling was touching the tallest person, Justins head. A study table and a chair at one corner, a wooden cupboard, a fire place in which the normal fire burned happily and a small single bed on which Ritwik and Vidhi were perched happily smiling at them. Wait... what? What are you doing here? Laura asked Ritwik and Vidhi. Demigods arent supposed to come here. Oh really? Ritwik said smiling sweetly. What are you then? A thunder mosquito? Laura gritted her teeth. Neo you live here? Lorenzo said. Even Ton wanted to know the answer. He and rest of the demigods lived in those luxurious cabins that belonged to their respective godly parent. But Neo... she lived here? Brian didnt want me to stay in any of the cabins. Neo said casually. So he offered me... the guest room in the head cabin .... I didnt like the idea ... So he sent you here? Gayu asked. She was standing beside the fireplace. He punished me for the first and last time because I rejected his proposal. Neo said tieing her hairs in a bun. Living here alone isnt less than a punishment but... Im used to it now. Ton felt.... bad.. This couldnt be one of the beautiful monsters. Anyways leave it. Vidhi said. What are you people doing here? Ton noticed that Vidhi and Ritwik were sitting very close. Not romantically... Ton felt as if they were trying to hide something. What are you both doing here? Justin asked Ritwik. He had been silent for a long time and ton actually felt better that he had spoken. Having a party. Ritwik said waving both his hands up in the air. Vidhi pulled him down and were sitting side by side again. Can we join? Lorenzo was ordering more than asking. The look on Ritwiks face was priceless. He looked as if someone had punched him in the gut. Hey I was kidding. You all can leave now. Thanks for showing up anyway. Sure. neo said awkwardly trying to override Ritwik s comment. Dont make too much noise and.... she scanned the small room. make yourselves comfortable. Ton had a feeling that she wanted to say make yourselves uncomfortable. He walked through the small crowd and sat on the floor with the wall supporting his back. Lorenzo joined him there. Gayu dashed hurriedly pushing laura, who fell on justin. She joined her two brothers sitting comfortably between them. Justin and laura managed to stand straight. Laura looked around. The single bed was full with the two people whom she was liking less and less every moment. The study table was empty. Justin was already sitting on the chair. She cast one angry look at Ritwik and climbed the study table sitting cross legged on it. So lorenzo said. Why are you doing this? He looked up at neo who still standing at the center of the room and looking around at everyone. Ton thought she was trying to believe the fact that seven demigods were making themselves comfortable in her hut that too illegally. Neo turned to lorenzo. What do you mean? Shes doing this because you asked her to do. Ritwik said loudly. You wanted the party right? So have it. What an amazing party!!!!! Ton said mentally. Eight people trying to adjust themselves in a single room hut illegally. Laura looked very eager as if she wanted to talk about the important things. Where is it? Laura said getting down from the study table. We want to see him right now. Ton noticed that neo was looking lost. The color of her face drained. She was about to cry. Hey Ritwik tried to get up but he sat down immediately. Get out of here. She hasnt permitted you people to humiliate her. Where have you hidden the little party neo? Lorenzo said taunting her. Lorenzo please. Gayu protested for his rudeness. There must be a reason if shes helping an intruder. That was it. The word intruder made everyone quite. To Tons greatest surprise, Justin got up. He pulled Neo gently by her arm and asked her to sit on the chair. Even Ritwik didnt protested. Ton wanted to hear every word Justin was saying. He crawled on all his fours and sat beside Neos chair. Justin was knelt on the other side. Lorenzo and Gayu were next to join them. Laura made herself comfortable on the study table again. Ton was surprised that Neos best friends, Ritwik and Vidhi were still happy sitting on the bed. We can help you. Justin said gently. Ton looked at Neo who was crying now. Gayu was comforting her. Laura looked very grim and suddenly it seemed as if lorenzos anger had melted into concern and care. Ton couldnt blame him. No one had seen Neo crying like this. We can help everything get back on the track. Justin said the useful things now which Laura would find important for the moment. Yes Ton said. Well help you. At this... Neo cried even more. Theyll kill him.... Brian will.. you know he wont even think twice. Why would he kill me? Ton asked Lorenzo. Shut up Lorenzo said. Neo well get it out of here. Suddenly Neo stopped crying and looked at Lorenzo. Her eyes were red and swollen. Ton didnt want her to cry again that too at his comment. He kept his mouth shut. Neo. Gayu said sitting beside her. you cant hide it forever. Yes Laura said. the camp has more than 200 campers plus the nymphs, centaurs and other creatures. Were eight in total. Ritwik said still sitting on the bed. we can manage to get it out from the boundaries. Wait. Ton said in disbelief. she really has the intruder? Neo started crying again and Gayu hugged her. Lorenzo hit Ton on the back of his head for mentioning the word again and again. Hes innocent. Neo said softly. he doesnt even know where he is. Where is it right now? Justin asked wiping the tears on her face. Neo looked at Ritwik. Ill love it. Laura said getting down the table. killing this intruder she looked pointedly at Ritwik. Hey Im a demi! Ritwik protested. Ritwik stop it Vidhi said pushing him off the bed. He fell with a thud and stayed like that for a moment. But Ton wasnt caring to help him. At the moment, his eyes were fixed on the puppy wrapped in a blue towel. He was sleeping carelessly and his little tongue stuck out. Ritwik and Vidhi had been sitting all this time on the bed and kept the puppy hidden from their eyes. Thats really innocent Ton said it aloud. Ritwik managed to get up and knelt beside the bed. He touched the puppys black nose. Haulster is innocent when hes asleep.. he said tapping the puppys nose. Just wait till he wakes up— Youve named him? Lorenzo said walking to the bed. How long has he been here? More than a week. Vidhi got up and stretched, tiered from sitting at one place for so long. Ritwik and I take turns to help neo with him Ritwik added. Yeah... we steal food from the infirmary to feed— I knew it! Laura squealed with delight. I knew you are a fool. We find food at the stow hall you idiot.. not at the infirmary. Ritwik sighed and mimicked Laura in a very girly voice and expression. I knew it. he said grabbing Justins collars of his leather jacket. Even I knew you are a fool. He survives on nectar and ambrosia you idiot... not milk and bread. Everyone in the room burst out laughing. Ton looked at Neo who had a smile on her face now. Laura felt embarrassed and remained quite. But wait. Lorenzo stopped laughing why doesnt it eat anything else? No idea Neo said. The first day he was faint. I tried to feed milk and water but nothing happened. So I told Ritwik and Vidhi. We together steal nectar and ambrosia from the infirmary to feed him because he doesnt eat or drink anything else. The security is tight in the infirmary and its difficult to steal. You could have asked me for help. Justin said staring at neo. Im good at stealing stuff. Ton noticed Neo was avoiding justins gaze. But still.. Justin was staring at her as if there were only two of them. Lorenzo cleared his throat and justin looked at everyone. I mean.... all of us will look after haulster until hes out of the campus, right? Yea... Vidhi said moving to the doors. She opened them and stood there enjoying the wind. But we have a danger coming. Lorenzo said sitting on the bed and looking at haulster. The doors... either Zeus has lost the ownership or someone has stolen it. We must inform Brian. Well have to tell him but with some other reason.. Gayu frowned. We cant mention haulster. Ton saw Vidhi was not listening to them anymore. She was focusing on something else. He turned to Ritwik. Have any idea? Run your brain dude. I dont know. Ritwik got up from the bed. Brian isnt here tonight. And... were already under attack. Ton looked at the door again. Vidhi was standing very still. He didnt understood what was she up to. The river. Lorenzo said getting up. Its... nobody is guarding it. Gracethorn is dead. Does that mean... Ton said worriedly. Any sea monster can enter the river through the secret passage? Maybe Neo mumbled. But... the one which attacked Vincent... I think it followed Gracethorn... so.. maybe the rest of them dont know about the secret passage. But.. if that monster has gone back to the sea of monsters... Gayu added. Then it will tell all the monsters about the secret passage and....then.. Were in trouble. Justin shook his head looking disappointed. Were always in trouble. Lorenzo corrected him. Everyone was silent for a moment which Laura broke. There was this news.... Laura said. A demigod.. is missing. What? Ton said looking tensed. That cant be... we havent heard any news like that. I dont know. Laura said softly. Ive been getting signs from... poseidon. And.. the demigod doesnt belongs to this camp. You mean we have another demigod camp? Gayu frowned. Maybe. Laura didnt looked sure about it. Is the missing one a poseidonite? Justin asked seriously. I think... yes Laura lowered her voice even though only they were there. Thats why poseidon told me. Ton didnt understand anything. Everything was getting messed up. A puppy crawls inside the camp boundaries... Vincent is attacked... the crew Brian sent to the sea of monsters, goes missing .... an unknown outsider demigod goes missing... and... at some point Ton was feeling that the god parent he had... Demeter... wasnt responding to him. What was happening? And the numbers..... the pirate, Jack Sparrow had got 222 gold bars and Brian was turning 222 after twelve tonight. He realized everyone was quite just like him. They must be thinking the same thing. What do we do now? Ton asked looking around. We.. Lorenzo tried to say but he didnt say it completely. Fight Justin added. We have to keep the camp safe... so we fight. No Ritwik interrupted. Before fighting.... we have to find the truth behind it... Im sure something big is stirring up. I have a different feeling. Gayu looked at everyone. I feel like.... evils are uniting to defeat the... good. Whatever.. Neo walked to the window. We have to help as much as we can. Ton looked at the puppy. Haulster looked so innocent. He was being blamed as the worst omen? And how could he think about Neo as a monster? She was trying to save someone right now. All girls are not the same.... he made a mental note. The next moment haulster woke up and barked loudly and everybody was staring at him. Shut the door. Neo yelled. Someone grab him! But the little trouble was already running. Lorenzo lunged at him falling face first on the bed. Justin stumbled and fell along with Ritwik as haulster got away from in between his legs. Gayu and laura backed up to the study table as he barked at them. Before Neo could grab her intruder he charged out of the doors . Weve to get him before anyone else does. Lorenzo said helping Ritwik and Justin. Before anybody could respond, the horn blew. Not the dinner one. This was louder and longer which meant intruder in the camp... attack mode is on. Without even thinking twice Ton ran out of the hut following Ritwik. Vidhi wasnt anywhere to be seen. Haulster had disappeared. Where did they go? Justin said standing behind him. Weve got to find them before anyone else does. Lorenzo said. He jumped down the hill and went sliding on the slope. Ton tried to keep an eye on Lorenzo but he had already disappeared in the darkness. Ill go next. Justin jumped on the other side and disappeared. Whos next? Ton asked looking at the girls. Gayu zoomed in the air without even saying a word. Thats often called a shooting star. Neo said in amazement. Need a lift? Ton asked Ritwik. Id like that. Ritwik nodded and jumped.... Ton raised his hands and the trees swayed in one direction. Roots burst out around the hill slopes. A branch grabbed Ritwik and tossed him away. Another root grabbed him. Ton jumped... Ton!!! Laura yelled but he was gone... the roots were juggling Ritwik and Ton in the air and as they went jumping from one root to another... they disappeared in the cold, dark night.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 14:21:20 +0000

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