Avantika Nirupama Some of you are not in United States – - TopicsExpress


Avantika Nirupama Some of you are not in United States – please forward it to anyone that you know is in the United States. Thank you. Please spread the word before things get worse with the RF radiation. Immediate Facebook Action requested: Raji is living the smart meter nightmare. (and also please email to others who are not on facebook – the idea is to spread the word – any whichever way) It is a status from facebook : ( Raji Nevin, Woodstock, New York – Ella’s contact for those you know Ella ) PLEASE, READ ALL OF THIS - I NEED YOUR HELP - MAKE THIS GO VIRAL ON FACEBOOK!!! I ASK EACH OF YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART - PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE - YOU ARE ALREADY ONLINE - GO TO YOUR LOCAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (PSC) AND FILE A COMPLAINT ABOUT SMART METERS! The electric company came to our home, with no notice and not explanation and physically, right in front of me, CUT our electric lines with a huge pair of clippers! We have a Smart Meter on our home. I got sick and two weeks ago had a mini-stroke. We have massive amounts of proof that these meters cause all kinds of illness. We took the meter off our home after sending Central Hudson (our utility company) several sets of documents - detailing my illness and then my hospitalization - and they did NOTHING and did not even respond to our requests. After my stroke, we ordered a safe, analog meter online and replaced their radiating meter - we video taped it and sent their meter back to them with a letter - along with all the other correspondence we had sent (return receipt and notarized). The following Monday they cut our electric lines. The meter would likely cause a more serious stroke in the very near future - which is why we had to move forward. These SMART METERS are being installed all over the country - and they are not asking customers if they want them and they are not telling people once they are installed. They emit HIGH levels of radiation - every 14 seconds - 24/7. They are not giving anyone a choice. PLEASE GOOGLE AND PUT INTO YOUTUBE "SMART METERS" AND YOU WILL SEE PEOPLE ARE FIGHTING THIS ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. You can file a formal complaint with your Public Service Commission - even if you do not have one! You can tell them that under NO circumstances do you want one of these meters on your home! IT IS IMPORTANT TO DO THIS IMMEDIATELY. YOu are already online reading this - so please do not delay! Do it now! You can also call if you like. These Smart Meters not only emit 24/7, they also SPIKE off the charts with radiation every 14 seconds - while you are sleeping. You are not given a choice whether or not you will have one. They are trying to move quickly (before people wake up) to install one on every home and business by the end of 2013!!!! Once you have one, it is extremely difficult to get it off. It not only is making people very sick and in some causes causing heart attacks, but it at least DOUBLES your utility bills and is a surveillance device which will monitor everything you do every second inside your home. This is against our Constitutional rights! This is coming from much higher up than the utility companies - but we have to start somewhere. You can also approach your legislation - Town, State are best to start. THERE ARE A FEW TOWNS/ CITIES THAT HAVE BANNED THEM ENTIRELY. I AM NOT MUCH OF A FACE BOOK PERSON - BUT I AM BEGGING EVERYONE TO PLEASE GET THIS MESSAGE OUT RIGHT AWAY! OTHERWISE WE WILL ALL BE FACING SOME VERY HORRIBLE CONSEQUENCES. PLEASE DO SOMETHING NOW - TAKE ACTION - IT IS FOR OUR CHILDREN AND GRAND CHILDREN ALSO. AND OUR PLANTS AND ANIMALS. THEY ARE KEEPING THIS AS MUCH OF A SECRET AS THEY CAN - TRYING TO GET IT DONE QUICKLY. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ACT NOW! - Avantika
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 05:10:50 +0000

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