Avenge for Love Chapter 5 This is a really sweet chapter, I had so - TopicsExpress


Avenge for Love Chapter 5 This is a really sweet chapter, I had so much butterflies when I wrote it. Previously: "Massacre in Casino, evidence shows a robotized suit entering the casino and Stark Industries Vice-President Joanna Peterson exiting the mass-death zone, later Miss. Peterson brutally harmed a BBC reporter. Witnessed show Miss Peterson flirting with the reporter and then the damage was done." Tony read off, he then opened a magazine and read "Joanna Peterson-LA`s New Bad Girl, what do you say to that?" "About the casino, it sounds like somebody stepped in and did your job for you!" I said in a sassy tone. "Alaia, what about the reporter?" "Dad, he was offending you and do you really think you are the only super-hero out there?" I said slamming the front-door. Present: Tony walked up to me and looked at me in the face. He threw his glass cup at my feet. I jumped and spat in face. "Everybody deserves a second chance, but I guess not all people do!" I yelled. Tony looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" "I protected you, I tried to. I stood up for you, I fighted for you! Do you honestly love all those Maxim Girls more than you love me? I did everything for you. That`s why Pepper left, you didn`t love her properly. You are impossible!" I cried and ran up the stairs. The moment I reached my room my phone rang- unknown number. "Hello?" I called cautiously barely picking up. "Um, hello. It`s me." A man`s voice said. "Who is...me?" "Me is Luke, Alaia is this your number?" "No, that`s why you can hear my voice. This is absolutely not my number, it`s 911."I said sarcastically. "Look, I am very sorry that I left you lying there. It`s because of my dad. That is not who I am, the person I really am is the one in the car, and I remember you as the girl in the car not the one that almost shot me on the high-way." Luke said almost crying. "Luke, what do you want from me? If you want to sleep with me, it`s a no situation, I am not an easy girl. I am the type of girl that is not innocent, when I say stop it means stop. Stop! I don`t need your cooing and flirting, you showed me who you are and I followed suite." I say monotonely. "No, Alaia look...I think about you everyday sometimes I dream of you. I constantly remember the rainy day in the car and the dance we shared. I have had a lot of girls but there is something in you that just completed me. It was like you knew what it is like to be me." "Oh, you do then you know why I was so eager to kill you like a dirty dog on the high-way. Sadly, the bullet didn`t want to come out. Look Luke, it`s sweet that you think of me and all but I don`t hate you however, I did loose resepct for you when you nearly killed my family that means my dad!" I said almot surprised at my own voice. "Alaia, are you really going to die alone? You need a knight and that boy will be me. Love is like a fairy-tale, I will be your gallant knight, you my damsel, the fathers are the dragons protecting the lair." "Luke, I am sorry to say but you have a messed up vision about love. Love is...same shit different boy. Love hurts, no boy keeps their promise, they cheat, they use you, they go off for somebody else when the girl needs them most. Look, I don`t need a guy in my life I am fine on my own!" "Then you haven`t had a feel of my love, it is always sweet and I don`t cheat!" "You just said I was different and that you had a lot of girls."I laughed. "Ladies and gentlemen, a miracle has occured! Alaia Stark just laughed, and yes I did have a lot of girls but they were not at the same time." "Stars can`t shine without darkness, don`t you wish you could go back when everything was simple?" "I want to go and do everything on earth...with you." "Alright, you got me. Damn, I will so regret this but I really want somebody to sleep next to me, warm me up when we gaze at the stars with a kiss, in the morning hug me tightly as if they are going to war, I need somebody to steal my heart. Oh, you are a thief Luke, you stole my heart from the first time I saw you." "Oh...I will grant you all these and not only, no lies, no cheating, you are the only one to make me feel like this. Why, I am a player but so what...you are irreplaceable." "Nice to meet you, I am the coach. With me, you will stay forever." I said smiling. "Can you sneak outside tonight, I hear there will be beautiful stars." "I will try, come by my window at 10 and I will take you to a magical place. Trust me!"
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 19:11:03 +0000

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